[HTML][HTML] Approximate association via dissociation
A vertex set X of a graph G is an association set if each component of G− X is a clique, and a
dissociation set if each of these cliques has only one or two vertices. We observe some …
dissociation set if each of these cliques has only one or two vertices. We observe some …
Bandwidth parameterized by cluster vertex deletion number
Given a graph $ G $ and an integer $ b $, Bandwidth asks whether there exists a bijection
$\pi $ from $ V (G) $ to $\{1,\ldots,| V (G)|\} $ such that $\max_ {\{u, v\}\in E (G)}|\pi (u)-\pi …
$\pi $ from $ V (G) $ to $\{1,\ldots,| V (G)|\} $ such that $\max_ {\{u, v\}\in E (G)}|\pi (u)-\pi …
On structural parameterizations of happy coloring, empire coloring and boxicity
Distance parameters are extensively used to design efficient algorithms for many hard graph
problems. They measure how far a graph is from belonging to some class of graphs. If a …
problems. They measure how far a graph is from belonging to some class of graphs. If a …
[HTML][HTML] Sublinear approximation algorithms for boxicity and related problems
The boxicity of a graph G (V, E) is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as
the intersection graph of axis parallel boxes in R k. Cubicity is a variant of boxicity, where the …
the intersection graph of axis parallel boxes in R k. Cubicity is a variant of boxicity, where the …
Regular subgraphs and other stories
FC Joos - 2016 - oparu.uni-ulm.de
The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the Erdös-Posa property of
cycles. The second part presents several results concerning geometric graph …
cycles. The second part presents several results concerning geometric graph …