[KNIHA][B] Hyperspherical harmonics and their physical applications
JE Avery, JS Avery - 2017 - books.google.com
Hyperspherical harmonics are extremely useful in nuclear physics and reactive scattering
theory. However, their use has been confined to specialists with very strong backgrounds in …
theory. However, their use has been confined to specialists with very strong backgrounds in …
Time-dependent variational approach for Bose–Einstein condensates with nonlocal interaction
F Haas, B Eliasson - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
The nonlinear dynamics of self-bound Bose–Einstein matter waves under the action of an
attractive nonlocal and a repulsive local interaction is analyzed by means of a time …
attractive nonlocal and a repulsive local interaction is analyzed by means of a time …
Condensate fraction and critical temperature of interacting Bose gas in anharmonic trap
By using a correlated many body method and using the realistic van der Waals potential we
study several statistical measures like the specific heat, transition temperature and the …
study several statistical measures like the specific heat, transition temperature and the …
Beyond mean-field ground-state energies and correlation properties of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
A two-body correlated basis set is used to develop a many-body theory which is valid for any
number of bosons in the trap. The formalism incorporates the van der Waals interaction and …
number of bosons in the trap. The formalism incorporates the van der Waals interaction and …
Scaling theory for the collapse of a trapped Bose gas in a synthetic magnetic field
We have analytically explored both the zero temperature and the finite temperature scaling
theory for the collapse of an attractively interacting 3-D harmonically trapped Bose gas in a …
theory for the collapse of an attractively interacting 3-D harmonically trapped Bose gas in a …
Condensate fluctuation and thermodynamics of mesoscopic Bose-Einstein condensates: A correlated many-body approach
S Bhattacharyya, B Chakrabarti - Physical Review A, 2016 - APS
We present a correlated many-body approach to calculate the distribution function and
fluctuations for a Bose-Einstein condensate with N interacting atoms in the harmonic …
fluctuations for a Bose-Einstein condensate with N interacting atoms in the harmonic …
Level-spacing statistics and spectral correlations in diffuse van der Waals clusters
We present a statistical analysis of eigenenergies and discuss several measures of spectral
fluctuations and spectral correlations for the van der Waals clusters of different sizes. We …
fluctuations and spectral correlations for the van der Waals clusters of different sizes. We …
Effects of interaction on thermodynamics of a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate
S Bhattacharyya, TK Das, B Chakrabarti - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2013 - APS
We report the effects of interaction on thermodynamic properties of a repulsive Bose-
Einstein condensate confined in a harmonic trap by using the correlated potential harmonics …
Einstein condensate confined in a harmonic trap by using the correlated potential harmonics …
Correlated many-body calculation to study characteristics of Shannon information entropy for ultracold trapped interacting bosons
A correlated many-body calculation is presented to characterize the Shannon information
entropy of trapped interacting bosons. We reformulate the one-body Shannon information …
entropy of trapped interacting bosons. We reformulate the one-body Shannon information …
Macroscopic quantum many-body tunneling of attractive Bose-Einstein condensate in anharmonic trap
We study the stability of attractive atomic Bose-Einstein condensate and the macroscopic
quantum many-body tunneling (MQT) in the anharmonic trap. We utilize correlated two-body …
quantum many-body tunneling (MQT) in the anharmonic trap. We utilize correlated two-body …