Massive quantum systems as interfaces of quantum mechanics and gravity
The traditional view from particle physics is that quantum-gravity effects should become
detectable only at extremely high energies and small length scales. Owing to the significant …
detectable only at extremely high energies and small length scales. Owing to the significant …
Non-Gaussian quantum states and where to find them
Gaussian states have played an important role in the physics of continuous-variable
quantum systems. They are appealing for the experimental ease with which they can be …
quantum systems. They are appealing for the experimental ease with which they can be …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum non-Gaussian optomechanics and electromechanics
Mechanical systems prepared in quantum non-Gaussian states constitute a new advanced
class of phenomena breaking the laws of classical physics. Specifically, such mechanical …
class of phenomena breaking the laws of classical physics. Specifically, such mechanical …
Single-photon-induced phonon blockade in a hybrid spin-optomechanical system
We explore the photon-controlled phonon statistics in a hybrid spin-optomechanical system.
Here the proposed phonon blockade is based on the nonlinearity of system induced by the …
Here the proposed phonon blockade is based on the nonlinearity of system induced by the …
Enhancement of quantum sensing in a cavity-optomechanical system around the quantum critical point
The precision of quantum sensing could be improved by exploiting quantum phase
transitions, where the physical quantity tends to diverge when the system approaches the …
transitions, where the physical quantity tends to diverge when the system approaches the …
Hybrid systems for the generation of nonclassical mechanical states via quadratic interactions
We present a method to implement two-phonon interactions between mechanical resonators
and spin qubits in hybrid setups, and show that these systems can be applied for the …
and spin qubits in hybrid setups, and show that these systems can be applied for the …
Ground-state cooling of rotating mirror in double-Laguerre-Gaussian-cavity with atomic ensemble
A scheme is proposed to cool a rotating mirror close to its ground state in a double-Laguerre-
Gaussian-cavity optomechanical system, where an auxiliary cavity and a two-level atomic …
Gaussian-cavity optomechanical system, where an auxiliary cavity and a two-level atomic …
Unconventional photon blockade with non-Markovian effects in driven dissipative coupled cavities
The photon blockade based on destructive quantum interference is called the
unconventional photon blockade (UPB), which has been intensively studied in Markovian …
unconventional photon blockade (UPB), which has been intensively studied in Markovian …
Improving photon blockade, entanglement, and mechanical-cat-state generation in a generalized cross-Kerr optomechanical circuit
We propose a feasible experimental scheme to improve the few-photon optomechanical
effects, including photon blockade and mechanical-Schrödinger-cat-state generation, as …
effects, including photon blockade and mechanical-Schrödinger-cat-state generation, as …
Quantum enhanced feedback cooling of a mechanical oscillator using nonclassical light
Laser cooling is a fundamental technique used in primary atomic frequency standards,
quantum computers, quantum condensed matter physics and tests of fundamental physics …
quantum computers, quantum condensed matter physics and tests of fundamental physics …