Crisis and citizen translation: Jordanian gypsies amid the coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic

A Al-Tarawneh, N Albkower - Jordan Journal of Modern Languages & …, 2023 -
This study concerns the health of the Gypsy minority of Jordan amid the coronavirus/Covid-
19 pandemic, and language services available and their effect on the public health. The …

Crisis translation: Considering language needs in multilingual disaster settings

S O'Brien, FM Federici - Disaster Prevention and Management: An …, 2019 -
Crisis translation: considering language needs in multilingual disaster settings | Emerald Insight
Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced …

Towards using agent-based modelling for collaborative translation of crisis information: A systematic literature review to identify the underlying attributes, behaviours …

RI Ogie, S O'Brien, FM Federici - International Journal of Disaster Risk …, 2022 - Elsevier
Collaboration in language translation has a long history and continues to develop in the
form of crowdsourced and community translation. More recently, efforts in collaborative …

[KNIHA][B] Translation in cascading crises

FM Federici, S O'Brien - 2020 -
This volume addresses the imperative need for recognizing, exploring, and develo** the
role of multilingual communication in crisis settings. It is recognized that 'communication is …

Translation technology and disaster management

S O'Brien - The Routledge handbook of translation and …, 2019 -
Technological developments have dramatically changed the practice of translation while at
the same time opening up new opportunities to do research into the realities of professional …

[KNIHA][B] Translation as social justice: Translation policies and practices in non-governmental organisations

W Tesseur - 2022 -
This book analyses the translation policies and practices of international non-governmental
organisations (INGOs), engaging in critical questions around the ways in which translation …

Translating and interpreting in conflict and crisis

M Tryuk - The Routledge handbook of translation and ethics, 2020 -
This chapter reviews research on ethical queries related to translation and interpreting in
wartime, conflict-related settings and crisis situations associated with mass migration …

[HTML][HTML] Preparing multilingual disaster communication for the crises of tomorrow: A conceptual discussion

S Uekusa, S Matthewman - International journal of disaster risk reduction, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper offers a conceptual discussion about how multilingualism can provide an
unusual yet effective disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategy in multilingual societies …

More than tweets: A critical reflection on develo** and testing crisis machine translation technology

P Cadwell, S O'Brien, E DeLuca - Translation Spaces, 2019 -
The application of machine translation (MT) in crisis settings is of increasing interest to
humanitarian practitioners. We collaborated with industry and non-profit partners:(1) to …

[KNIHA][B] Language as a social determinant of health

F Federici - 2022 - Springer
x Preface the onset of a response, until recently. The Project Sphere (2018) considered their
role as essential in planning humanitarian operations focused on real community …