[KNYGA][B] The philosophy of software: Code and mediation in the digital age
D Berry - 2016 - books.google.com
This book is a critical introduction to code and software that develops an understanding of its
social and philosophical implications in the digital age. Written specifically for people …
social and philosophical implications in the digital age. Written specifically for people …
The ballot is busted before the blockchain: A security analysis of voatz, the first internet voting application used in {US}. federal elections
In the 2018 midterm elections, West Virginia became the first state in the US to allow select
voters to cast their ballot on a mobile phone via a proprietary app called “Voatz.” Although …
voters to cast their ballot on a mobile phone via a proprietary app called “Voatz.” Although …
Sok: Verifiability notions for e-voting protocols
There have been intensive research efforts in the last two decades or so to design and
deploy electronic voting (e-voting) protocols/systems which allow voters and/or external …
deploy electronic voting (e-voting) protocols/systems which allow voters and/or external …
Security analysis of India's electronic voting machines
Elections in India are conducted almost exclusively using electronic voting machines
developed over the past two decades by a pair of government-owned companies. These …
developed over the past two decades by a pair of government-owned companies. These …
Voting technologies
C Stewart III - Annual Review of Political Science, 2011 - annualreviews.org
A renewed, energetic interest in voting technologies erupted in political science following
the 2000 presidential election. Spawned initially by the recount controversy in Florida, the …
the 2000 presidential election. Spawned initially by the recount controversy in Florida, the …
[PDF][PDF] VoteBox: A Tamper-evident, Verifiable Electronic Voting System.
Commercial electronic voting systems have experienced many high-profile software,
hardware, and usability failures in real elections. While it is tempting to abandon electronic …
hardware, and usability failures in real elections. While it is tempting to abandon electronic …
[KNYGA][B] Elite statecraft and election administration: Bending the rules of the game?
T James - 2012 - books.google.com
The way in which elections are run is changing, as radical reforms or experiments have
been introduced across the world. This book establishes why election administration might …
been introduced across the world. This book establishes why election administration might …
{DVSorder}: Ballot Randomization Flaws Threaten Voter Privacy
BL Crimmins, DY Narayanan, D Springall… - 33rd USENIX Security …, 2024 - usenix.org
A trend towards publishing ballot-by-ballot election results has created new risks to voter
privacy due to inadequate protections by election technology. These risks are manifested by …
privacy due to inadequate protections by election technology. These risks are manifested by …
Du-vote: Remote electronic voting with untrusted computers
Du-Vote is a new remote electronic voting protocol that eliminates the often-required
assumption that voters trust general-purpose computers. Trust is distributed in Du-Vote …
assumption that voters trust general-purpose computers. Trust is distributed in Du-Vote …
The return of software vulnerabilities in the Brazilian voting machine
This paper presents a detailed and up-to-date security analysis of the voting software used
in Brazilian elections based on results obtained by the authors in a recent hacking challenge …
in Brazilian elections based on results obtained by the authors in a recent hacking challenge …