[CARTE][B] Roots of modality

A Rubinstein - 2012 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation explores the interplay of grammar and context in the interpretation of modal
words like ought, necessary, and need. The empirical foci of the discussion are patterns in …

[CARTE][B] Historical syntax of English

B Los - 2015 - books.google.com
Page 1 A Historical Syntax of English Bettelou Los EDINBURGH TEXTBOOKS ON THE
ENGLISH LANGUAGE – ADVANCED Page 2 Page 3 A Historical Syntax of English Page 4 …

[CARTE][B] Middle English verbs of emotion and impersonal constructions: Verb meaning and syntax in diachrony

A Miura - 2014 - books.google.com
Impersonal constructions in the history of English form a puzzling category, in that there has
been uncertainty as to why some verbs are attested in such constructions while others are …

Grammaticalization of semi-modals of necessity in Asian Englishes

L Loureiro-Porto - English World-Wide, 2019 - jbe-platform.com
The decline of central modal must and the increase in frequency of the semi-modals have
(got) to, need (to), and want to is one of the most conspicuous grammatical changes that …

[PDF][PDF] Had better,'d better and better

J Van der Auwera - 2013 - lirias.kuleuven.be
The first decade of the 21st century has seen a number of interesting developments in the
study of modality in English. First, there has been a strong interest in recent changes in the …

Verbo-nominal constructions of necessity with þearf n. and need n.: competition and grammaticalization from OE to eModE1

L Loureiro-Porto - English Language & Linguistics, 2010 - cambridge.org
The evolution of verbs expressing necessity in the history of English, such as* þurfan and
need, has been studied in detail, especially their semantic competition and their …

A review of early English impersonals: Evidence from necessity verbs

L Loureiro-Porto - English Studies, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Early English impersonals have been the subject of numerous studies, and many systems of
classification have been proposed, as well as theories on their evolution into personal …

[PDF][PDF] Modality in New Englishes: A corpus-based study of obligation and necessity

GV Diaconu - 2012 - freidok.uni-freiburg.de
Modality in New Englishes: A Corpus-Based Study of Obligation and Necessity Page 1
Modality in New Englishes: A Corpus-Based Study of Obligation and Necessity Inaugural-Dissertation …

On the relationship between subjectification, grammaticalisation and constructions: Evidence from the history of English

L Loureiro-Porto - Journal of historical pragmatics, 2012 - jbe-platform.com
The terms subjectification, intersubjectification and construction are very often used in
relation to grammaticalisation, although the relationship between them is not always clear …

The register variation of need to in spoken British English

S Nokkonen - Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 2014 - JSTOR
This paper studies NEED TO, a semi-modal of obligation and necessity, and its
semantic/pragmatic functions in the spoken registers of the British National Corpus. The …