[HTML][HTML] Factorization results for left polynomials in some associative real algebras: state of the art, applications, and open questions

Z Li, DF Scharler, HP Schröcker - Journal of Computational and Applied …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
We discuss existence of factorizations with linear factors for (left) polynomials over certain
associative real involutive algebras, most notably over Clifford algebras. Because of their …

Structure synthesis and reconfiguration analysis of variable-degree-of-freedom single-loop mechanisms with prismatic joints using dual quaternions

K Liu, J Yu, X Kong - Journal of Mechanisms and …, 2022‏ - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This paper deals with the structure synthesis and reconfiguration analysis of variable-DOF
(variable-degree-of-freedom) single-loop mechanisms with prismatic joints based on a …

[ספר][B] Handbook of geometric constraint systems principles

M Sitharam, AS John, J Sidman - 2018‏ - taylorfrancis.com
The Handbook of Geometric Constraint Systems Principles is an entry point to the currently
used principal mathematical and computational tools and techniques of the geometric …

[HTML][HTML] A multi-Bennett 8R mechanism obtained from factorization of bivariate motion polynomials

J Frischauf, M Pfurner, DF Scharler… - Mechanism and Machine …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
We present a closed-loop 8R mechanism with two degrees of freedom whose motion
exhibits curious properties. In any point of a two-dimensional component of its configuration …

Synthesis of multi-mode single-loop Bennett-based mechanisms using factorization of motion polynomials

K Liu, J Yu, X Kong - Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021‏ - Elsevier
This paper systematically deals with the synthesis of multi-mode single-loop 6R, 7R and 8R
Bennett-based mechanisms from an algebraic viewpoint. Based on the factorization of …

Algebraic synthesis and input-output analysis of 1-DOF multi-loop linkages with a constant transmission ratio between two adjacent parallel, intersecting or skew axes

K Liu, X Kong, J Yu - Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2023‏ - Elsevier
This paper deals with the algebraic synthesis and input-output analysis of one degree-of-
freedom (1-DOF) multi-loop planar, spherical, and spatial linkages for increasing or …

Kempe's universality theorem for rational space curves

Z Li, J Schicho, HP Schröcker - Foundations of Computational …, 2018‏ - Springer
We prove that every bounded rational space curve of degree d and circularity c can be
drawn by a linkage with 9 2 d-6c+ 1 9 2 d-6 c+ 1 revolute joints. Our proof is based on two …

[HTML][HTML] Factorization of motion polynomials

Z Li, J Schicho, HP Schröcker - Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2019‏ - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider the factorizations of monic, bounded motion polynomials. We
prove existence of factorizations, possibly after multiplication with a real polynomial Q, and …

Algebraic synthesis of single-loop 6R spatial mechanisms for constant velocity transmission between two adjacent parallel, intersecting or skew axes

K Liu, X Kong, J Yu - Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2024‏ - Elsevier
This paper addresses the algebraic synthesis of novel single-loop 6R spatial mechanisms,
enabling constant-1: 1 or 1: 1 velocity ratio transmission between two adjacent axes …

[HTML][HTML] Reasoning about linkages with dynamic geometry

Z Kovács, T Recio, MP Vélez - Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2020‏ - Elsevier
We illustrate an on-going work on the crossroad of mechanical linkages, dynamic geometry
and automated reasoning. In particular, we exemplify how some automated reasoning tools …