A Novel Digital Twin (DT) model based on WiFi CSI, Signal Processing and Machine Learning for patient respiration monitoring and decision-support
Digital Twin (DT) in Healthcare 4.0 (H4. 0) presents a digital model of the patient with all its
biological properties and characteristics. One of the application areas is patient respiration …
biological properties and characteristics. One of the application areas is patient respiration …
Optimal IMF selection and unknown fault feature extraction for rolling bearings with different defect modes
Rolling bearings are widely used in the rotating machinery. The fault types and fault feature
frequencies are usually unknown when rolling bearings fail in the engineering applications …
frequencies are usually unknown when rolling bearings fail in the engineering applications …
A dynamic bayesian multi-channel fusion scheme for heart rate monitoring with ballistocardiograph signals in free-living environments
Ballistocardiograph (BCG) stands out as a noncontact technology for heart monitoring,
offering a wealth of cardiovascular parameter information. Its applications have …
offering a wealth of cardiovascular parameter information. Its applications have …
Review on heart-rate estimation from photoplethysmography and accelerometer signals during physical exercise
Non-invasive monitoring of physiological signals during physical exercise is essential to
customize the exercise module. Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal has often been used to …
customize the exercise module. Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal has often been used to …
Hilbert spectrum analysis of induction motors for the detection of incipient broken rotor bars
Induction motors are the most widespread motors in industry, constituting more than 85% of
all industry motors. Broken rotor bars are one of the most common faults in squirrel cage …
all industry motors. Broken rotor bars are one of the most common faults in squirrel cage …
[HTML][HTML] Wearable belt with built-in textile electrodes for cardio—Respiratory monitoring
Unobtrusive and continuous monitoring of vital signs is becoming more and more important
both for patient monitoring in the home environment and for sports activity tracking. Even …
both for patient monitoring in the home environment and for sports activity tracking. Even …
Feature selection for ECG signal processing using improved genetic algorithm and empirical mode decomposition
L Lu, J Yan, CW de Silva - Measurement, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a novel scheme of feature selection, which employs a modified genetic
algorithm that uses a variable-range searching strategy and empirical mode decomposition …
algorithm that uses a variable-range searching strategy and empirical mode decomposition …
Low-cost and portable impedance plethysmography system for the simultaneous detection of respiratory and heart activities
Impedance plethysmography is a technique that allows monitoring changes in the volume of
specific tissues or organs inside the human body, through the measurement of variations in …
specific tissues or organs inside the human body, through the measurement of variations in …
Machine fault detection by signal denoising—with application to industrial gas turbines
The paper proposes a new methodology of machine fault detection for industrial gas turbine
(IGT) systems. The integrated use of empirical mode decomposition (EMD), principal …
(IGT) systems. The integrated use of empirical mode decomposition (EMD), principal …
A novel automated seizure detection system from EMD-MSPCA denoised EEG: Refined composite multiscale sample, fuzzy and permutation entropies based scheme
M Chakraborty, D Mitra - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper investigates three complexity measures namely, refined composite multiscale
sample entropy (RCMSE), refined composite multiscale fuzzy entropy (RCMFE), and refined …
sample entropy (RCMSE), refined composite multiscale fuzzy entropy (RCMFE), and refined …