A survey of distributed optimization
In distributed optimization of multi-agent systems, agents cooperate to minimize a global
function which is a sum of local objective functions. Motivated by applications including …
function which is a sum of local objective functions. Motivated by applications including …
A survey of distributed optimization and control algorithms for electric power systems
Historically, centrally computed algorithms have been the primary means of power system
optimization and control. With increasing penetrations of distributed energy resources …
optimization and control. With increasing penetrations of distributed energy resources …
Toward distributed/decentralized DC optimal power flow implementation in future electric power systems
This paper reviews distributed/decentralized algorithms to solve the optimal power flow
(OPF) problem in electric power systems. Six decomposition coordination algorithms are …
(OPF) problem in electric power systems. Six decomposition coordination algorithms are …
A fully distributed reactive power optimization and control method for active distribution networks
This paper presents a fully distributed reactive power optimization algorithm that can obtain
the global optimum solution of nonconvex problems for distribution networks (DNs) without …
the global optimum solution of nonconvex problems for distribution networks (DNs) without …
Decentralized energy management for networked microgrids in future distribution systems
H Gao, J Liu, L Wang, Z Wei - IEEE Transactions on Power …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An increasing amount of distributed energy resources is being integrated into both
distribution systems (DSs) and networked microgrids (MGs). The coordination among DSs …
distribution systems (DSs) and networked microgrids (MGs). The coordination among DSs …
Distributed optimal power flow algorithm for radial networks, I: Balanced single phase case
The optimal power flow (OPF) problem determines a network operating point that minimizes
a certain objective such as generation cost or power loss. Traditionally, OPF is solved in a …
a certain objective such as generation cost or power loss. Traditionally, OPF is solved in a …
Fully decentralized optimal power flow of multi-area interconnected power systems based on distributed interior point method
Traditionally, the optimal power flow (OPF) problem is solved in a centralized manner.
However, with continuous expansion of the scale of multi-area interconnected power …
However, with continuous expansion of the scale of multi-area interconnected power …
Distributed optimization approaches for emerging power systems operation: A review
Independent system operators (ISO) and regional transmission organizations (RTO) adopt
centralized optimization approaches for the optimal operation of power systems, which …
centralized optimization approaches for the optimal operation of power systems, which …
A distributed dual consensus ADMM based on partition for DC-DOPF with carbon emission trading
This article presents a distributed alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMMs)
approach for solving the direct current dynamic optimal power flow with carbon emission …
approach for solving the direct current dynamic optimal power flow with carbon emission …
A distributed approach for the optimal power-flow problem based on ADMM and sequential convex approximations
S Magnússon, PC Weeraddana… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The optimal power-flow (OPF) problem, which plays a central role in operating electrical
networks, is considered. The problem is nonconvex and is, in fact, NP hard. Therefore …
networks, is considered. The problem is nonconvex and is, in fact, NP hard. Therefore …