Camouflage through colour change: mechanisms, adaptive value and ecological significance
Animals from a wide range of taxonomic groups are capable of colour change, of which
camouflage is one of the main functions. A considerable amount of past work on this subject …
camouflage is one of the main functions. A considerable amount of past work on this subject …
Camouflage in predators
Camouflage–adaptations that prevent detection and/or recognition–is a key example of
evolution by natural selection, making it a primary focus in evolutionary ecology and animal …
evolution by natural selection, making it a primary focus in evolutionary ecology and animal …
Color under pressure: how multiple factors shape defensive coloration
Behavioral ecologists have long studied the role of coloration as a defense against natural
enemies. Recent reviews of defensive coloration have emphasized that these visual signals …
enemies. Recent reviews of defensive coloration have emphasized that these visual signals …
Imperfect camouflage: how to hide in a variable world?
Camouflage is an important anti-predator strategy for many animals and is traditionally
thought of as being tightly linked to a specific visual background. While much work focuses …
thought of as being tightly linked to a specific visual background. While much work focuses …
Improved camouflage through ontogenetic colour change confers reduced detection risk in shore crabs
Animals from many taxa, from snakes and crabs to caterpillars and lobsters, change
appearance with age, but the reasons why this occurs are rarely tested. We show the …
appearance with age, but the reasons why this occurs are rarely tested. We show the …
The physiological cost of colour change: evidence, implications and mitigations
Animals benefit from phenotypic plasticity in changing environments, but this can come at a
cost. Colour change, used for camouflage, communication, thermoregulation and UV …
cost. Colour change, used for camouflage, communication, thermoregulation and UV …
Rapid body color change provides lizards with facultative crypsis in the eyes of their avian predators
Color change serves many antipredator functions and may allow animals to better match
environments or disrupt outlines to prevent detection. Rapid color change could potentially …
environments or disrupt outlines to prevent detection. Rapid color change could potentially …
Rock pool fish use a combination of colour change and substrate choice to improve camouflage
Camouflage can be achieved by both morphological (eg colour, brightness and pattern
change) and behavioural (eg substrate preference) means. Much of the research on …
change) and behavioural (eg substrate preference) means. Much of the research on …
Ecological, behavioral, and phylogenetic influences on the evolution of dorsal color pattern in geckos
The dorsal surfaces of many taxonomic groups often feature repetitive pattern elements
consisting of stripes, spots, or bands. Here, we investigate how distinct categories of …
consisting of stripes, spots, or bands. Here, we investigate how distinct categories of …
Two ways to hide: predator and prey perspectives of disruptive coloration and background matching in jum** spiders
Camouflage is used by prey to avoid detection by predators, and by predators to remain
unseen by their prey. Effective camouflage can be achieved through background matching …
unseen by their prey. Effective camouflage can be achieved through background matching …