Improvements of pre-emptive identification of particle accelerator failures using binary classifiers and dimensionality reduction
In this paper we look at the properties of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Differential
Beam Current Monitor (DCM) data and various methods of data transformation to improve …
Beam Current Monitor (DCM) data and various methods of data transformation to improve …
Model-free approaches applied to the control of nonlinear systems: A brief survey with special attention to intelligent PID iterative learning control
Model-based control is one of the popular solutions for designing a controller used to control
nonlinear systems. However, the difficulty of obtaining an accurate model is a challenge for …
nonlinear systems. However, the difficulty of obtaining an accurate model is a challenge for …
A comparison of inversion based iterative learning control algorithms
The learning filter in Iterative Learning Control determines the performance in terms of
convergence rate and converged error. The ideal learning filter is the inverse of the system …
convergence rate and converged error. The ideal learning filter is the inverse of the system …
Development of the novel and superior adaptive beam-loading compensation system calculated in the frequency domain for the J-PARC Linac
Abstract The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is one of the highest
intensity proton accelerator facilities in the world. Its accelerator consists of a 400-MeV linac …
intensity proton accelerator facilities in the world. Its accelerator consists of a 400-MeV linac …
Application of a modified iterative learning control algorithm for superconducting radio-frequency cavities
C Xu, Z Zhu, F Qiu, T Jiang, Q Chen, Z Gao, J Ma… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Transient beam loading, which causes cavity gradient fluctuation, is becoming a major
concern for the stable operation of the high current superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) …
concern for the stable operation of the high current superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) …
RF control optimization and automation for normal conducting linear accelerators
Normal conducting linear accelerators are widely used in many free-electron laser (FEL)
machines all over the world. They normally consist of multiple RF stations either with …
machines all over the world. They normally consist of multiple RF stations either with …
Data-driven progressive and iterative learning control
This paper addresses the error convergence rate of data-driven iterative learning control
(ILC) for single-input-single-output (SISO) systems. Since the error convergence rate …
(ILC) for single-input-single-output (SISO) systems. Since the error convergence rate …
[PDF][PDF] Automatic control strategies for the Swiss free electron laser
A Rezaeizadeh - 2016 -
This thesis illustrates the application of automation and control in high-energy physics (HEP)
discipline with the goal of enhancing the performance. In particular, the control methods are …
discipline with the goal of enhancing the performance. In particular, the control methods are …
An iterative learning control approach for radio frequency pulse compressor amplitude and phase modulation
Radio Frequency (RF) pulse compressors are used in linear accelerators (Linac) to achieve
high power levels by shortening the RF pulse length. In their original form, the phase of the …
high power levels by shortening the RF pulse length. In their original form, the phase of the …
Iterative learning control for the radio frequency subsystems of a free-electron laser
In linear particle accelerators used for free-electron lasers, it is often required that the
electron bunches experience the same electric field as they pass through the accelerating …
electron bunches experience the same electric field as they pass through the accelerating …