Dual-branch attention-in-attention transformer for single-channel speech enhancement
Curriculum learning begins to thrive in the speech enhancement area, which decouples the
original spectrum estimation task into multiple easier sub-tasks to achieve better …
original spectrum estimation task into multiple easier sub-tasks to achieve better …
Unsupervised speech enhancement using dynamical variational autoencoders
Dynamical variational autoencoders (DVAEs) are a class of deep generative models with
latent variables, dedicated to model time series of high-dimensional data. DVAEs can be …
latent variables, dedicated to model time series of high-dimensional data. DVAEs can be …
MetricGAN-U: Unsupervised speech enhancement/dereverberation based only on noisy/reverberated speech
Most of the deep learning-based speech enhancement models are learned in a supervised
manner, which implies that pairs of noisy and clean speech are required during training …
manner, which implies that pairs of noisy and clean speech are required during training …
DBT-Net: Dual-branch federative magnitude and phase estimation with attention-in-attention transformer for monaural speech enhancement
The decoupling-style concept begins to ignite in the speech enhancement area, which
decouples the original complex spectrum estimation task into multiple easier sub-tasks (ie …
decouples the original complex spectrum estimation task into multiple easier sub-tasks (ie …
Neural speech enhancement with unsupervised pre-training and mixture training
Supervised neural speech enhancement methods always require a large scale of paired
noisy and clean speech data. Since collecting adequate paired data from real-world …
noisy and clean speech data. Since collecting adequate paired data from real-world …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring Multi-Stage GAN with Self-Attention for Speech Enhancement
Multi-stage or multi-generator generative adversarial networks (GANs) have recently been
demonstrated to be effective for speech enhancement. The existing multi-generator GANs …
demonstrated to be effective for speech enhancement. The existing multi-generator GANs …
Unsupervised Face-Mask Speech Enhancement Using Generative Adversarial Networks with Human-in-the-Loop Assessment Metrics
The utilization of face masks is an essential healthcare measure, particularly during times of
pandemics, yet it can present challenges in communication in our daily lives. To address this …
pandemics, yet it can present challenges in communication in our daily lives. To address this …
Synthesizing Lithuanian voice replacement for laryngeal cancer patients with Pareto-optimized flow-based generative synthesis network
This study presents a Pareto optimized flow-based generative network for speech synthesis-
the P-GLOW model in Lithuanian speech synthesis for substituting original voices affected …
the P-GLOW model in Lithuanian speech synthesis for substituting original voices affected …
Speech enhancement generative adversarial network architecture with gated linear units and dual-path transformers
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been used in the field of speech
enhancement due to their huge potentials in reducing the noise mixed in the signals. Most of …
enhancement due to their huge potentials in reducing the noise mixed in the signals. Most of …
UP-Cycle-SENet: Unpaired phase-aware speech enhancement using deep complex cycle adversarial networks
Speech enhancement (SE), which reconstructs intelligible speech by removing noise or
interference from noisy speech, plays an important role in many speech applications. Due to …
interference from noisy speech, plays an important role in many speech applications. Due to …