Interfacing single photons and single quantum dots with photonic nanostructures

P Lodahl, S Mahmoodian, S Stobbe - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015‏ - APS
Photonic nanostructures provide a means of tailoring the interaction between light and
matter and the past decade has witnessed tremendous experimental and theoretical …

Droplet epitaxy of semiconductor nanostructures for quantum photonic devices

M Gurioli, Z Wang, A Rastelli, T Kuroda… - Nature materials, 2019‏ -
The long dreamed 'quantum internet'would consist of a network of quantum nodes (solid-
state or atomic systems) linked by flying qubits, naturally based on photons, travelling over …

Nuclear spin physics in quantum dots: An optical investigation

B Urbaszek, X Marie, T Amand, O Krebs, P Voisin… - Reviews of Modern …, 2013‏ - APS
The mesoscopic spin system formed by the 10 4–10 6 nuclear spins in a semiconductor
quantum dot offers a unique setting for the study of many-body spin physics in the …

Semiconductor quantum dots as an ideal source of polarization-entangled photon pairs on-demand: a review

D Huber, M Reindl, J Aberl, A Rastelli… - Journal of Optics, 2018‏ -
More than 80 years have passed since the first publication on entangled quantum states.
Over this period, the concept of spookily interacting quantum states became an emerging …

Single spins in self-assembled quantum dots

RJ Warburton - Nature materials, 2013‏ -
Self-assembled quantum dots have excellent photonic properties. For instance, a single
quantum dot is a high-brightness, narrow-linewidth source of single photons. Furthermore …

Fully tunable hyperfine interactions of hole spin qubits in Si and Ge quantum dots

S Bosco, D Loss - Physical Review Letters, 2021‏ - APS
Hole spin qubits are frontrunner platforms for scalable quantum computers, but state-of-the-
art devices suffer from noise originating from the hyperfine interactions with nuclear defects …

Decoupling a hole spin qubit from the nuclear spins

JH Prechtel, AV Kuhlmann, J Houel, A Ludwig… - Nature materials, 2016‏ -
A huge effort is underway to develop semiconductor nanostructures as low-noise hosts for
qubits. The main source of dephasing of an electron spin qubit in a GaAs-based system is …

A light-hole exciton in a quantum dot

YH Huo, BJ Witek, S Kumar, JR Cardenas, JX Zhang… - Nature Physics, 2014‏ -
A light-hole exciton is a quasiparticle formed from a single electron bound to a single light
hole. This type of fundamental excitation, if confined inside a semiconductor quantum dot …

Controlling the photon number coherence of solid-state quantum light sources for quantum cryptography

Y Karli, DA Vajner, F Kappe, PCA Hagen… - npj Quantum …, 2024‏ -
Quantum communication networks rely on quantum cryptographic protocols including
quantum key distribution (QKD) based on single photons. A critical element regarding the …

Stimulated generation of indistinguishable single photons from a quantum ladder system

F Sbresny, L Hanschke, E Schöll, W Rauhaus… - Physical Review Letters, 2022‏ - APS
We propose a scheme for the generation of highly indistinguishable single photons using
semiconductor quantum dots and demonstrate its performance and potential. The scheme is …