[HTML][HTML] Thermochemical non-equilibrium flow characteristics of high Mach number inlet in a wide operation range
DAI Chunliang, SUN Bo, YUE Lianjie… - Chinese Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
The high-temperature non-equilibrium effect is a novel and significant issue in the flows over
a high Mach number (above Mach 8) air-breathing vehicle. Thus, this study attempts to …
a high Mach number (above Mach 8) air-breathing vehicle. Thus, this study attempts to …
Numerical investigation on the assistant restarting method of variable geometry for high Mach number inlet
Y Liu, L Wang, Z Qian - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018 - Elsevier
To compromise the compression efficiency and the starting properties, the inner contraction
ratio (ICR) of a general high Mach number inlet is usually designed in the range of dual …
ratio (ICR) of a general high Mach number inlet is usually designed in the range of dual …
[PDF][PDF] Hypersonic Intake starting characteristics–a CFD validation study
S Saha, D Chakraborty - Defence Science Journal, 2012 - core.ac.uk
Numerical simulation of hypersonic intake starting characteristics is presented. Three
dimensional RANS equations are solved alongwith SST turbulence model using commercial …
dimensional RANS equations are solved alongwith SST turbulence model using commercial …
Enlarged self-starting operational envelope for hypersonic inlets using a splitter
W **e, X Gao, X Tang, M Huang… - Journal of Aerospace …, 2019 - ascelibrary.org
Self-starting ability defines the operational envelope of a hypersonic inlet. To demonstrate
the feasibility of enlarging the self-starting operational envelope using a splitter, numerical …
the feasibility of enlarging the self-starting operational envelope using a splitter, numerical …
Starting of a scramjet air intake
The starting of a supersonic air-intake at the design Mach number depends on the internal
blockage due to flame-holder struts in the combustor. In the present work, the starting of a …
blockage due to flame-holder struts in the combustor. In the present work, the starting of a …
Visualization of streamline tracing inlet-isolator flows using a planar laser Rayleigh scattering imaging technique
Isolator flows downstream of the scoop model inlet were visualized by using a planar laser
Rayleigh scattering imaging technique. The scoop model was designed for a cruise Mach …
Rayleigh scattering imaging technique. The scoop model was designed for a cruise Mach …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical Simulation of a Hypersonic Air Intake.
S Saha, D Chakraborty - Defence Science Journal, 2015 - researchgate.net
Numerical simulations were carried out to study the unsteady flow in an intake of hypersonic
air-breathing vehicle. Unsteady RANS simulations were performed to examine started flow …
air-breathing vehicle. Unsteady RANS simulations were performed to examine started flow …
Impact of internal contraction section bleed on supersonic inlet
W **ao, XIE Wen-zhong, Y Wei… - Journal of Propulsion …, 2020 - jpt.tjjsjpt.com
The numerical simulation of a typical 2D supersonic inlet is carried out to study the effects of
the bleed position in the internal contraction section on the self-starting performance and …
the bleed position in the internal contraction section on the self-starting performance and …
Design and unsteady numerical simulation of variable geometry inlet using dynamic meshes
Y **a, W Xu, W Ye, Y Jia, B Wang - The Proceedings of the 2018 Asia …, 2019 - Springer
The fixed geometric inlet only has better performance near the design Mach number, and it
is difficult to meet the demand of the combined cycle engine. A multistage adjustable …
is difficult to meet the demand of the combined cycle engine. A multistage adjustable …
Численное исследование характеристик сверхзвукового воздухозаборного устройства прямоточных воздушно-реактивных двигателей
АВ Сухов, КВ Федотова… - Машиностроение и …, 2014 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье приводятся данные численного определения рабочих характеристик
сверхзвукового воздухозаборного устройства с центральным телом в пакете …
сверхзвукового воздухозаборного устройства с центральным телом в пакете …