Numerical models in discontinuous media: review of advances for rock mechanics applications
The paper presents a description of the methods used to model rock as discontinuous
media. The objective of the work is to bring to the geomechanics community recent …
media. The objective of the work is to bring to the geomechanics community recent …
Review of validation of the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method
MM MacLaughlin, DM Doolin - International journal for …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Over the last decade, researchers in the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA)
community have dedicated a great deal of effort to document the accuracy of the method by …
community have dedicated a great deal of effort to document the accuracy of the method by …
Influence of filling–drawdown cycles of the Vajont reservoir on Mt. Toc slope stability
P Paronuzzi, E Rigo, A Bolla - Geomorphology, 2013 - Elsevier
In the present work, the 1963 Vajont landslide has been back-analyzed in detail to examine
the influence of reservoir operations (filling and drawdown) on Mt. Toc slope stability. The …
the influence of reservoir operations (filling and drawdown) on Mt. Toc slope stability. The …
[КНИГА][B] Geotechnical slope analysis
R Chowdhury, G Bhattacharya, P Flentje - 2009 -
Freshly updated and extended version of Slope Analysis (Chowdhury, Elsevier, 1978). This
reference book gives a complete overview of the developments in slope engineering in the …
reference book gives a complete overview of the developments in slope engineering in the …
3D numerical modeling using smoothed particle hydrodynamics of flow-like landslide propagation triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
The extremely strong Wenchuan earthquake triggered thousands of landslides in Sichuan
Province, China. Flow-like landslides, such as the Tangjiashan, Wangjiayan, and …
Province, China. Flow-like landslides, such as the Tangjiashan, Wangjiayan, and …
Thermoporomechanics of cree** landslides: The 1963 Vaiont slide, northern Italy
E Veveakis, I Vardoulakis… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
The catastrophic Vaiont landslide (Southern Alps, Italy) of 9 October 1963 moved 2.7× 108
m3 of rock that collapsed in an artificial lake, causing a giant wave that killed 1917 people …
m3 of rock that collapsed in an artificial lake, causing a giant wave that killed 1917 people …
3D simulation of Vajont disaster. Part 1: Numerical formulation and validation
This work presents a numerical method for the simulation of landslides generated impulse
waves and its application to the historical Vajont case study. The computational tool is based …
waves and its application to the historical Vajont case study. The computational tool is based …
Landslide spreading, impulse water waves and modelling of the Vajont rockslide
GB Crosta, S Imposimato, D Roddeman - Rock Mechanics and Rock …, 2016 - Springer
Landslides can occur in different environments and can interact with or fall into water
reservoirs or open sea with different characteristics. The subaerial evolution and the …
reservoirs or open sea with different characteristics. The subaerial evolution and the …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial distribution and failure mechanism of water-induced landslides in the reservoir areas of Southwest China
M Chen, X Yang, J Zhou - Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical …, 2023 - Elsevier
Water-induced landslides in hydropower reservoirs pose a great threat to both project
operation and human life. This paper examines three large reservoirs in Sichuan Province …
operation and human life. This paper examines three large reservoirs in Sichuan Province …
Two-dimensional DDA contact constitutive model for simulating rock fragmentation
YY Jiao, XL Zhang, J Zhao - Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2012 -
Due to the difficulties of fracture mechanics in dealing with multicrack problems, the
continuum-based numerical methods always encounter mathematical problems when …
continuum-based numerical methods always encounter mathematical problems when …