A systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence on learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
To what extent has the learning progress of school-aged children slowed down during the
COVID-19 pandemic? A growing number of studies address this question, but findings vary …
COVID-19 pandemic? A growing number of studies address this question, but findings vary …
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on learning
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected learning progress among school-age children?
Two years after the onset of the pandemic, a growing number of studies have addressed this …
Two years after the onset of the pandemic, a growing number of studies have addressed this …
[ספר][B] An analysis of COVID-19 student learning loss
HA Patrinos, E Vegas, R Carter-Rau - 2022 - aeaweb.org
• The COVID-19 pandemic led to school closures around the world, affecting almost 1.6
billion students• Even short interruptions in a child's schooling significantly negatively affect …
billion students• Even short interruptions in a child's schooling significantly negatively affect …
Public procurement in law and practice
We examine a new dataset of public procurement laws, practice, and outcomes in 187
countries. We measure regulation as restrictions on the discretion of the procuring entities …
countries. We measure regulation as restrictions on the discretion of the procuring entities …
COVID-19 Learning loss and recovery: Panel data evidence from India
We use a panel survey of~ 19,000 primary-school-aged children in rural Tamil Nadu to study
'learning loss' after COVID-19-induced school closures, and the pace of recovery after …
'learning loss' after COVID-19-induced school closures, and the pace of recovery after …
Experimental evidence on learning using low-tech when school is out
School closures occurred extensively during the COVID-19 pandemic, and occur in other
settings, such as teacher strikes and natural disasters. The cost of school closures has …
settings, such as teacher strikes and natural disasters. The cost of school closures has …
Global universal basic skills: Current deficits and implications for world development
How far is the world away from ensuring that every child obtains the basic skills needed to
be competitive in a modern economy? And what would accomplishing this mean for world …
be competitive in a modern economy? And what would accomplishing this mean for world …
COVID-19, school closures, and student learning outcomes. New global evidence from PISA
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant disruption in schooling worldwide. Global
test score data is used to estimate learning losses by modeling the effect of school closures …
test score data is used to estimate learning losses by modeling the effect of school closures …
The longer students were out of school, the less they learned
COVID-19 led to school closures and emergency remote learning. This paper analyzes
school closures during the pandemic using a unique data base. The determinants of the …
school closures during the pandemic using a unique data base. The determinants of the …
[HTML][HTML] Global labour markets and workplaces in the age of intelligent machines
This paper examines how labour productivity will increase in future workplaces that employ
human resources and machine technologies. This paper expands the concept of intelligent …
human resources and machine technologies. This paper expands the concept of intelligent …