Symmetry fractionalization in the gauge mean-field theory of quantum spin ice
Symmetry fractionalization is a ubiquitous feature of topologically ordered states that can be
used to classify different symmetry-enriched topological phases and reveal some of their …
used to classify different symmetry-enriched topological phases and reveal some of their …
Emergent elasticity in amorphous solids
The mechanical response of naturally abundant amorphous solids such as gels, jammed
grains, and biological tissues are not described by the conventional paradigm of broken …
grains, and biological tissues are not described by the conventional paradigm of broken …
Pyrochlore U (1) spin liquid of mixed-symmetry enrichments in magnetic fields
We point out the experimental relevance and the detection scheme of symmetry-enriched U
(1) quantum spin liquids (QSLs) outside the perturbative spin-ice regime. Recent …
(1) quantum spin liquids (QSLs) outside the perturbative spin-ice regime. Recent …
Hybrid dyons, inverted Lorentz force, and magnetic Nernst effect in quantum spin ice
CR Laumann, R Moessner - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Topological magnets host two sets of gauge fields: that of native Maxwell electromagnetism,
owing to the magnetic dipole moment of its constituent microscopic moments, and that of the …
owing to the magnetic dipole moment of its constituent microscopic moments, and that of the …
Experimentally tunable QED in dipolar-octupolar quantum spin ice
We propose a readily achievable experimental setting where an external magnetic field is
used to tune the emergent quantum electrodynamics (eQED) of dipolar-octupolar quantum …
used to tune the emergent quantum electrodynamics (eQED) of dipolar-octupolar quantum …
Probing emergent QED in quantum spin ice via Raman scattering of phonons: Shallow inelastic scattering and pair production
We present an unconventional mechanism for Raman scattering of phonons, which is based
on the linear magnetoelastic coupling present in non-Kramers magnetic ions. This provides …
on the linear magnetoelastic coupling present in non-Kramers magnetic ions. This provides …
Vison crystal in quantum spin ice on the breathing pyrochlore lattice
Recent excitement in the quantum spin ice (QSI) community has come from the experimental
discovery of pseudospin-1 2 breathing pyrochlores, including Ba 3 Yb 2 Zn 5 O 11, in which …
discovery of pseudospin-1 2 breathing pyrochlores, including Ba 3 Yb 2 Zn 5 O 11, in which …
Seeing beyond the light: Vison and photon electrodynamics in quantum spin ice
Understanding the nature and behavior of excitations in quantum spin liquids, and in
topological phases of matter in general, is of fundamental importance and has proven …
topological phases of matter in general, is of fundamental importance and has proven …
Extended Coulomb liquid of paired hardcore boson model on a pyrochlore lattice
There is growing interest in the U (1) Coulomb liquid in both quantum materials in
pyrochlore ice and cluster Mott insulators and cold-atom systems. We explore a paired …
pyrochlore ice and cluster Mott insulators and cold-atom systems. We explore a paired …
Vison-generated photon mass in quantum spin ice: A theoretical framework
MP Kwasigroch - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
Describing the experimental signatures of quantum spin ice has been the focus of many
theoretical efforts, as definitive experimental verification of this candidate quantum spin …
theoretical efforts, as definitive experimental verification of this candidate quantum spin …