Dynamic relaxations and relaxation-property relationships in metallic glasses
WH Wang - Progress in Materials Science, 2019 - Elsevier
Dynamic relaxation is an intrinsic and universal feature of glasses and enables fluctuation
and dissipation to occur, which induces plentiful behaviour, maintains equilibrium, and …
and dissipation to occur, which induces plentiful behaviour, maintains equilibrium, and …
Mechanistic Origin of Superionic Lithium Diffusion in Anion-Disordered Li6PS5X Argyrodites
BJ Morgan - Chemistry of Materials, 2021 - ACS Publications
The rational development of fast-ion-conducting solid electrolytes for all-solid-state lithium-
ion batteries requires understanding the key structural and chemical principles that give …
ion batteries requires understanding the key structural and chemical principles that give …
Relaxation and vibrational properties in metal alloys and other disordered systems
A Zaccone - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
The relaxation dynamics and the vibrational spectra of amorphous solids, such as metal
alloys, have been intensely investigated as well separated topics in the past. The aim of this …
alloys, have been intensely investigated as well separated topics in the past. The aim of this …
Competing effects of cohesive energy and cross-link density on the segmental dynamics and mechanical properties of cross-linked polymers
To develop structure–property relationships for cross-linked thermosetting polymers, it is
crucial to better understand key factors that control their segmental dynamics and …
crucial to better understand key factors that control their segmental dynamics and …
Fundamental links between shear transformation, β relaxation, and string-like motion in metallic glasses
Plastic deformation and relaxation dynamics are two major topics in glass physics.
Secondary (β) relaxation has been assumed to be a relevant plastic mechanism in …
Secondary (β) relaxation has been assumed to be a relevant plastic mechanism in …
Polymer glass formation: Role of activation free energy, configurational entropy, and collective motion
We provide a perspective on polymer glass formation, with an emphasis on models in which
the fluid entropy and collective particle motion dominate the theoretical description and data …
the fluid entropy and collective particle motion dominate the theoretical description and data …
Parallel emergence of rigidity and collective motion in a family of simulated glass-forming polymer fluids
The emergence of the solid state in glass-forming materials upon cooling is accompanied by
changes in both thermodynamic and viscoelastic properties and by a precipitous drop in …
changes in both thermodynamic and viscoelastic properties and by a precipitous drop in …
Fast dynamics in a model metallic glass-forming material
We investigate the fast β-and Johari–Goldstein (JG) β-relaxation processes, along with the
elastic scattering response of glass-forming (GF) liquids and the boson peak, in a simulated …
elastic scattering response of glass-forming (GF) liquids and the boson peak, in a simulated …
A closer examination of the nature of atomic motion in the interfacial region of crystals upon approaching melting
Although crystalline materials are often conceptualized as involving a static lattice
configuration of particles, it has recently become appreciated that string-like collective …
configuration of particles, it has recently become appreciated that string-like collective …
Influence of cohesive energy on the thermodynamic properties of a model glass-forming polymer melt
Monomer chemical structure and architecture represent the most important characteristics of
polymers that affect basic molecular parameters (such as the microscopic cohesive energy …
polymers that affect basic molecular parameters (such as the microscopic cohesive energy …