Comparing the performances of GARCH-type models in capturing the stock market volatility in Malaysia

CM Lim, SK Sek - Procedia Economics and Finance, 2013 - Elsevier
We conduct empirical analyses to model the volatility of stock market in Malaysia. The
GARCH type models (symmetric and asymmetric GARCH) are used to model the volatility of …

[PDF][PDF] Macroeconomic variables and stock price volatility in Nigeria

OG Omorokunwa, N Ikponmwosa - Annals of the University of Petroşani …, 2014 -
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between stock price volatility and
few macroeconomic variables such as inflation, exchange rate, GDP and interest rate …

Forecasting volatility in Asian financial markets: evidence from recursive and rolling window methods

M Sahiner - SN Business & Economics, 2022 - Springer
The present paper examines the relative out-of-sample predictive ability of GARCH, GARCH-
M, EGARCH, TGARCH and PGARCH models for ten Asian markets by using three different …

Performance of conventional and sustainable index in pre and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative analysis

MK Makkar, A Ghayas, N Gupta - Indian Journal …, 2023 - indianjournalofentrepreneurship …
Purpose: There has been a significant increase in the demand for ESG (environmental,
social, and governance) investment by investors in recent years. Investors are recognizing …

[PDF][PDF] Comparative performance of ARIMA and GARCH models in modelling and forecasting volatility of Malaysia market properties and shares

NH Miswan, NA Ngatiman, K Hamzah… - Applied Mathematical …, 2014 -
Market properties and shares are important in the field of finance in order to measure the
economic growth of a country. These market properties are volatile time series as they have …

Volatility modeling and asset pricing: Extension of garch model with macro economic variables, value-at-risk and semi-variance for kse

K Hamid, A Hasan - Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social …, 2016 -
The purpose of this study is to identify the behavior of returns and volatility with the attributes
of non-linearities and asymmetric patterns in the returns series of KSE and modeling of …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluating the Forecasting Performance of Symmetric and Asymmetric GARCH Models across Stock Markets: Stock Market Returns and Macroeconomic …

NC Devi - Global Journal of Management and Business …, 2018 -
Recently, the stock market volatility has created a surge among the researchers to focus
their attention towards studying the sensitivity of stock market returns. In this study, the …

[PDF][PDF] The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Boursa Kuwait Return Volatility

M Al Ajmi - … Journal of Business and Management Research, 2020 -
░ ABSTRACT: The main objective of this research is to detect the impact of COVID-19 on
return volatility of Boursa Kuwait main indexes using EGARCH and TGARCH models on the …

Dynamic interaction between conditional stock market volatility and macroeconomic uncertainty of Bangladesh

M ALI, MAA CHOWDHURY - Asian Journal of Business …, 2021 -
Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the dynamic linkage between conditional stock
market volatility and macroeconomic uncertainty of Bangladesh. Research design, data, and …

Asymmetric relationship between stock market returns and macroeconomic variables

NC Devi, S Chandramohan - International Journal of …, 2016 -
The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between stock market returns and key
macroeconomic variables in the UK. The method of Ordinary Least Square has been …