[PDF][PDF] Data visualization
Data visualization involves presenting data in graphical or pictorial form which makes the
information easy to understand. It helps to explain facts and determine courses of action. It …
information easy to understand. It helps to explain facts and determine courses of action. It …
Exploring First Year University Students' Statistical Literacy: A Case on Describing and Visualizing Data.
Statistical literacy, which is the ability to use statistics in daily life, is an essential skill for
facing society 5.0. This study aims to explore first-year university students' ability to properly …
facing society 5.0. This study aims to explore first-year university students' ability to properly …
Data visualization for health and risk communication
F Yang - The handbook of applied communication research, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In general, data visualization, especially advanced data visualization, has been viewed by
practitioners from various disciplines as a powerful tool with the capacity to highlight the …
practitioners from various disciplines as a powerful tool with the capacity to highlight the …
A rhetorical approach for reimagining business writing instruction in the AI age
E DeJeu - Business and Professional Communication …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Generative AI could disrupt professional writing instruction, but banning AI tools seems
unproductive. This article outlines a rhetorical approach for adapting business writing …
unproductive. This article outlines a rhetorical approach for adapting business writing …
Evaluation of IoT data visualization tools and techniques
Internet of things (IoT) is a fully proven technology in the era of automation. IoT is a
connected network of embedded systems with sensors and actuators. IoT generates huge …
connected network of embedded systems with sensors and actuators. IoT generates huge …
“Missing/Unspecified”: Demographic data visualization during the COVID-19 pandemic
R Atherton - Journal of Business and Technical …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
While data has shown that COVID-19 disproportionately affects Black people, the CDC's
early data listed race as “missing/unspecified” at high rates. Incomplete demographic data …
early data listed race as “missing/unspecified” at high rates. Incomplete demographic data …
Using generative AI to facilitate data analysis and visualization: a case study of Olympic athletes
EB DeJeu - Journal of Business and Technical …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
The ability to work with data is an important skill for students enrolled in technical and
professional communication programs, but students with limited mathematical and computer …
professional communication programs, but students with limited mathematical and computer …
Teaching a “Critical Accessibility Case Study” Develo** Disability Studies Curricula for the Technical Communication Classroom
ER Browning, LE Cagle - Journal of Technical Writing and …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
As technical communication (TC) instructors, it is vital that we continue reimagining our
curricula as the field itself is continually reimagined in light of new technologies, genres …
curricula as the field itself is continually reimagined in light of new technologies, genres …
(Re) kindle: On the value of storytelling to technical communication
N Small - Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
In an effort to expand the range of ways graduate programs prepare students to be scholars
and practitioners in technical and professional communication, this article argues for a fresh …
and practitioners in technical and professional communication, this article argues for a fresh …
Introduction to business and technical communication and COVID-19: Communicating in times of crisis
J Frith - Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Typically, the introduction to special issues of journals starts by explaining the topic being
covered. One issue I contributed to included a 400-word description of Pokémon Go; …
covered. One issue I contributed to included a 400-word description of Pokémon Go; …