Experimental evidence that quorum rules discourage turnout and promote election boycotts
Many democratic decision making institutions involve quorum rules. Such rules are
commonly motivated by concerns about the “legitimacy” or “representativeness” of decisions …
commonly motivated by concerns about the “legitimacy” or “representativeness” of decisions …
La question du vote. Expérimentations en laboratoire et In Situ
H Igersheim, A Baujard, JF Laslier - L'Actualité économique, 2016 - erudit.org
Cet article est une revue de la littérature sur les expérimentations de vote qui étudient les
comportements des votants et les propriétés des modes de scrutin. Tout d'abord, nous …
comportements des votants et les propriétés des modes de scrutin. Tout d'abord, nous …
Harm reduction policy support among students at two US universities
Background: The US is undergoing an opioid overdose crisis. Harm reduction (HR) policies
are associated with decreased overdose deaths and incidence of communicable diseases …
are associated with decreased overdose deaths and incidence of communicable diseases …
Experimentelle Methoden
Die experimentelle Methode in der Policy-Forschung beruht auf den Prinzipien der Isolation
des zentralen Zusammenhangs von Drittvariablen und der Identifikation durch …
des zentralen Zusammenhangs von Drittvariablen und der Identifikation durch …
Experimental public choice: Elections
This chapter contrasts rational-choice predictions of voter behavior with observations from
laboratory and field experiments. Specifically, the authors discuss voters' party choice and …
laboratory and field experiments. Specifically, the authors discuss voters' party choice and …
Dynamics of voting propensity: experimental tests of adaptive learning models
This paper aims to deliver experimental evidence on the dispute between two behavioral
models of electoral turnout. Both models share the idea that the subjects' voting propensities …
models of electoral turnout. Both models share the idea that the subjects' voting propensities …
040080 UK Politische Ökonomie (2016S)
M der Lehrveranstaltung - ufind.univie.ac.at
Die Lehrveranstaltung ist prüfungsimmanent. Es wird erwartet, dass jede/r TeilnehmerIn die
Kapitel zur entsprechenden Lehrveranstaltung gelesen hat (das Buch ist als Pdf über u …
Kapitel zur entsprechenden Lehrveranstaltung gelesen hat (das Buch ist als Pdf über u …