WikiPathways: connecting communities
Abstract WikiPathways (https://www. wikipathways. org) is a biological pathway database
known for its collaborative nature and open science approaches. With the core idea of the …
known for its collaborative nature and open science approaches. With the core idea of the …
[КНИГА][B] Knowledge graphs
Smart speakers such as Alexa and Google Home introduced Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
millions soon billions of households, making AI an everyday experience. We can now look …
millions soon billions of households, making AI an everyday experience. We can now look …
Evaluating FAIR maturity through a scalable, automated, community-governed framework
Transparent evaluations of FAIRness are increasingly required by a wide range of
stakeholders, from scientists to publishers, funding agencies and policy makers. We propose …
stakeholders, from scientists to publishers, funding agencies and policy makers. We propose …
modEnrichr: a suite of gene set enrichment analysis tools for model organisms
High-throughput experiments produce increasingly large datasets that are difficult to analyze
and integrate. While most data integration approaches focus on aligning metadata, data …
and integrate. While most data integration approaches focus on aligning metadata, data …
RTX-KG2: a system for building a semantically standardized knowledge graph for translational biomedicine
Background Biomedical translational science is increasingly using computational reasoning
on repositories of structured knowledge (such as UMLS, SemMedDB, ChEMBL, Reactome …
on repositories of structured knowledge (such as UMLS, SemMedDB, ChEMBL, Reactome …
ROBOKOP KG and KGB: integrated knowledge graphs from federated sources
A proliferation of data sources has led to the notional existence of an implicit Knowledge
Graph (KG) that contains vast amounts of biological knowledge contributed by distributed …
Graph (KG) that contains vast amounts of biological knowledge contributed by distributed …
Easy web API development with SPARQL transformer
In a document-based world as the one of Web APIs, the triple-based output of SPARQL
endpoints can be a barrier for developers who want to integrate Linked Data in their …
endpoints can be a barrier for developers who want to integrate Linked Data in their …
[HTML][HTML] Toolchains for interoperable BIM workflows in a web-based integration platform
The construction industry is characterized by the diversity of its processes, whereby persons
involved in changing project communities are confronted with a changing interplay of …
involved in changing project communities are confronted with a changing interplay of …
BioThings Explorer: a query engine for a federated knowledge graph of biomedical APIs
Knowledge graphs are an increasingly common data structure for representing biomedical
information. These knowledge graphs can easily represent heterogeneous types of …
information. These knowledge graphs can easily represent heterogeneous types of …