Decision making methods based on fuzzy aggregation operators: Three decades review from 1986 to 2017
In many real-life decision making (DM) situations, the available information is vague or
imprecise. To adequately solve decision problems with vague or imprecise information …
imprecise. To adequately solve decision problems with vague or imprecise information …
Linguistic interval-valued atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets and their applications to group decision making problems
In this paper, we propose the concept of a linguistic interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic
fuzzy set (LIVAIFS), whose membership and nonmembership degrees are represented by …
fuzzy set (LIVAIFS), whose membership and nonmembership degrees are represented by …
Linguistic interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy sets and their application to multiple attribute group decision-making process
The paper's aims are to present a novel concept of linguistic interval-valued Pythagorean
fuzzy set (LIVPFS) or called a linguistic interval-valued intuitionistic type-2 fuzzy set, which is …
fuzzy set (LIVPFS) or called a linguistic interval-valued intuitionistic type-2 fuzzy set, which is …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy Aczel–Alsina geometric aggregation operators and their application to multiple attribute decision-making
When dealing with the haziness that is intrinsic in decision analysis-driven decision making
procedures, interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs) can be quite effective. Our …
procedures, interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs) can be quite effective. Our …
Selection of sustainable urban transportation alternatives using an integrated intuitionistic fuzzy Choquet integral approach
Unrestrained urban development and rapid expansion of motorized vehicles inevitably lead
to unsustainable transportation systems from economic, social and environmental points of …
to unsustainable transportation systems from economic, social and environmental points of …
Lattice-valued overlap and quasi-overlap functions
As an important class of aggregation operators, the notion of overlap functions was first
presented in 2009 in order to be considered for applications in image processing context …
presented in 2009 in order to be considered for applications in image processing context …
Multidimensional fuzzy sets: Negations and an algorithm for multi-attribute group decision making
Multidimensional fuzzy sets (MFS) is a new extension of fuzzy sets on which the
membership values of an element in the universe of discourse are increasingly ordered …
membership values of an element in the universe of discourse are increasingly ordered …
A monotonous intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS method under general linear orders via admissible distance measures
All intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS methods contain two key elements:(1) the order structure,
which can affect the choices of positive and negative ideal-points, and construction of …
which can affect the choices of positive and negative ideal-points, and construction of …
Smart medical device selection based on intuitionistic fuzzy Choquet integral
This paper presents a novel approach for evaluating the smart medical device selection
process in a group decision-making setting in an uncertain decision environment …
process in a group decision-making setting in an uncertain decision environment …
An adaptive decision making method with copula Bayesian network for location selection
A novel multi-criteria decision making approach based on an adaptive copula Bayesian
network (CBN) model is proposed to effectively handle complex dependence problems …
network (CBN) model is proposed to effectively handle complex dependence problems …