Fish hearing “specialization”–a re-evaluation
Investigators working with fish bioacoustics used to refer to fishes that have a narrow
hearing bandwidth and poor sensitivity as “hearing generalists”(or “non-specialists”), while …
hearing bandwidth and poor sensitivity as “hearing generalists”(or “non-specialists”), while …
The auditory system of cartilaginous fishes
Cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes), including sharks, skates, rays, elephant fishes and
chimaeras, have been in existence for over 400 million years and represent early stages of …
chimaeras, have been in existence for over 400 million years and represent early stages of …
[HTML][HTML] The importance of particle motion to fishes and invertebrates
AN Popper, AD Hawkins - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
This paper considers the importance of particle motion to fishes and invertebrates and the
steps that need to be taken to improve knowledge of its effects. It is aimed at scientists …
steps that need to be taken to improve knowledge of its effects. It is aimed at scientists …
The mechanism for directional hearing in fish
Locating sound sources such as prey or predators is critical for survival in many vertebrates.
Terrestrial vertebrates locate sources by measuring the time delay and intensity difference of …
Terrestrial vertebrates locate sources by measuring the time delay and intensity difference of …
[HTML][HTML] Examining the hearing abilities of fishes
Fishes obtain substantial information about their environment by listening to the sounds
around them. Indeed, because sound propagates rapidly and over great distances in water …
around them. Indeed, because sound propagates rapidly and over great distances in water …
[HTML][HTML] Directional hearing and sound source localization by fishes
AD Hawkins, AN Popper - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
Directional hearing may enable fishes to seek out prey, avoid predators, find mates, and
detect important spatial cues. Early sound localization experiments gave negative results …
detect important spatial cues. Early sound localization experiments gave negative results …
Low-amplitude noise elicits the Lombard effect in plainfin midshipman mating vocalizations in the wild
Highlights•Artificial noise elicited an amplitude increase in mate advertisement
vocalizations.•Artificial noise elicited peak frequency decreases in three different …
vocalizations.•Artificial noise elicited peak frequency decreases in three different …
Acoustic particle motion detection in the snap** shrimp (Alpheus richardsoni)
Many crustaceans produce sounds that might be used in communication. However, little is
known about sound detection in crustaceans, hindering our understanding of crustacean …
known about sound detection in crustaceans, hindering our understanding of crustacean …
Sensitivity of Pagurus bernhardus (L.) to substrate-borne vibration and anthropogenic noise
Despite the prevalence of vibration produced by anthropogenic activities impacting the
seabed there are few data and little information as to whether these are detected by …
seabed there are few data and little information as to whether these are detected by …
A review of mechanical and synaptic processes in otolith transduction of sound and vibration for clinical VEMP testing
Older studies of mammalian otolith physiology have focused mainly on sustained responses
to low-frequency (< 50 Hz) or maintained linear acceleration. So the otoliths have been …
to low-frequency (< 50 Hz) or maintained linear acceleration. So the otoliths have been …