Dynamic neural network structure: A review for its theories and applications
The dynamic neural network (DNN), in contrast to the static counterpart, offers numerous
advantages, such as improved accuracy, efficiency, and interpretability. These benefits stem …
advantages, such as improved accuracy, efficiency, and interpretability. These benefits stem …
Ciabl: Completeness-induced adaptative broad learning for cross-subject emotion recognition with eeg and eye movement signals
Although multimodal physiological data from the central and peripheral nervous systems
can objectively respond to human emotional states, the individual differences caused by non …
can objectively respond to human emotional states, the individual differences caused by non …
Cross-cultural emotion recognition with EEG and eye movement signals based on multiple stacked broad learning system
With increasing social globalization, interaction between people from different cultures has
become more frequent. However, there are significant differences in the expression and …
become more frequent. However, there are significant differences in the expression and …
Deep cross-modal hashing based on semantic consistent ranking
The amount of multi-modal data available on the Internet is enormous. Cross-modal hash
retrieval maps heterogeneous cross-modal data into a single Hamming space to offer fast …
retrieval maps heterogeneous cross-modal data into a single Hamming space to offer fast …
Adaptive ensemble clustering with boosting bls-based autoencoder
Ensemble clustering has an advantage in producing a more promising and robust clustering
result by combining multiple partitions strategically. The quality of both base partitions and …
result by combining multiple partitions strategically. The quality of both base partitions and …
Boosted unsupervised feature selection for tumor gene expression profiles
In an unsupervised scenario, it is challenging but essential to eliminate noise and redundant
features for tumour gene expression profiles. However, the current unsupervised feature …
features for tumour gene expression profiles. However, the current unsupervised feature …
Broad learning autoencoder with graph structure for data clustering
Broad learning system (BLS) is a simple yet efficient learning algorithm that only needs to
train a three-layer feedforward neural network. Although various BLS variants have been …
train a three-layer feedforward neural network. Although various BLS variants have been …
Soft-sensing of burn-through point based on weighted kernel just-in-time learning and fuzzy broad-learning system in sintering process
Burn-through point (BTP) is an essential thermal state parameter in a sintering process,
which is a direct reflection of the stability of this process. However, it cannot be measured …
which is a direct reflection of the stability of this process. However, it cannot be measured …
Two-stage intrusion events recognition for vibration signals from distributed optical fiber sensors
Smart pipeline systems (SPSs) based on phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (-
OTDR) distributed optical fiber sensors (DOFSs) are widely used to recognize and locate …
OTDR) distributed optical fiber sensors (DOFSs) are widely used to recognize and locate …
Adaboost-stacking based on incremental broad learning system
Due to the advantages of fast training speed and competitive performance, Broad Learning
System (BLS) has been widely used for classification tasks across various domains …
System (BLS) has been widely used for classification tasks across various domains …