Drainage divide migration and implications for climate and biodiversity
Drainage divides separate Earth's surface into individual river basins. Divide migration
impacts the evolution of landforms, regional climate, ecosystems and biodiversity. In this …
impacts the evolution of landforms, regional climate, ecosystems and biodiversity. In this …
Geologic constraints on early Mars climate
Early Mars climate research has well-defined goals (MEPAG 2018). Achieving these goals
requires geologists and climate modelers to coordinate. Coordination is easier if results are …
requires geologists and climate modelers to coordinate. Coordination is easier if results are …
Multiple subglacial water bodies below the south pole of Mars unveiled by new MARSIS data
The detection of liquid water by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere
Sounding (MARSIS) at the base of the south polar layered deposits in Ultimi Scopuli has …
Sounding (MARSIS) at the base of the south polar layered deposits in Ultimi Scopuli has …
[HTML][HTML] The mineral diversity of Jezero crater: Evidence for possible lacustrine carbonates on Mars
Noachian-aged Jezero crater is the only known location on Mars where clear orbital
detections of carbonates are found in close proximity to clear fluvio-lacustrine features …
detections of carbonates are found in close proximity to clear fluvio-lacustrine features …
Impact of space weather on climate and habitability of terrestrial-type exoplanets
The search for life in the Universe is a fundamental problem of astrobiology and modern
science. The current progress in the detection of terrestrial-type exoplanets has opened a …
science. The current progress in the detection of terrestrial-type exoplanets has opened a …
Venusian habitable climate scenarios: Modeling Venus through time and applications to slowly rotating Venus‐like exoplanets
One popular view of Venus' climate history describes a world that has spent much of its life
with surface liquid water, plate tectonics, and a stable temperate climate. Part of the basis for …
with surface liquid water, plate tectonics, and a stable temperate climate. Part of the basis for …
A coupled model of episodic warming, oxidation and geochemical transitions on early Mars
Reconciling the geology of Mars with models of atmospheric evolution remains a major
challenge. Martian geology is characterized by past evidence for episodic surface liquid …
challenge. Martian geology is characterized by past evidence for episodic surface liquid …
[ספר][B] Fundamentals of geomorphology
R Huggett, E Shuttleworth - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
This revised and updated edition continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to the
subject, exploring the world's landforms from a broad systems perspective. It covers the …
subject, exploring the world's landforms from a broad systems perspective. It covers the …
Sustained wet–dry cycling on early Mars
The presence of perennially wet surface environments on early Mars is well documented,,
but little is known about short-term episodicity in the early hydroclimate. Post-depositional …
but little is known about short-term episodicity in the early hydroclimate. Post-depositional …
Carbonate detection with SuperCam in igneous rocks on the floor of Jezero Crater, Mars
Perseverance explored two geological units on the floor of Jezero Crater over the first 420
Martian days of the Mars2020 mission. These units, the Máaz and Séítah formations, are …
Martian days of the Mars2020 mission. These units, the Máaz and Séítah formations, are …