Suppressing competitive dominants and community restoration with native parasitic plants using the hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus and the dominant grass …
Dominance of native or alien competitive plants causes competitive exclusion of subordinate
species and represents a major mechanism reducing biodiversity following land‐use …
species and represents a major mechanism reducing biodiversity following land‐use …
Are belowground clonal traits good predictors of ecosystem functioning in temperate grasslands?
In herbaceous communities which host many perennial species, belowground clonal organs
and traits remain largely overlooked in ecosystem functioning studies. However, the …
and traits remain largely overlooked in ecosystem functioning studies. However, the …
Fine‐scale coexistence patterns along a productivity gradient in wet meadows: Shifts from trait convergence to divergence
Semi‐natural meadows host a great number of species coexisting at fine spatial scales.
Different assembly mechanisms, related to differences in functional traits between species …
Different assembly mechanisms, related to differences in functional traits between species …
Dominance of non-wetland-dependent pollinators in a plant community in a small natural wetland in Shimane, Japan
T Watazu, MK Hiraiwa, M Inoue, H Mishima… - Journal of Plant …, 2024 - Springer
Many wetland plants rely on insects for pollination. However, studies examining pollinator
communities in wetlands remain limited. Some studies conducted in large wetlands (> 10 …
communities in wetlands remain limited. Some studies conducted in large wetlands (> 10 …
Hidden below‐ground plant diversity buffers against species loss during land‐use change in species‐rich grasslands
Questions Theory suggests that while plant diversity of grasslands decreases in response to
increased competition for light, many plant species persist below‐ground even in the …
increased competition for light, many plant species persist below‐ground even in the …
Consistent functional response of meadow species and communities to land‐use changes across productivity and soil moisture gradients
Questions Wet meadows have traditionally been managed at low intensity, promoting the co‐
existence of a variety of plant species. The remaining fragments of these meadows are now …
existence of a variety of plant species. The remaining fragments of these meadows are now …
Functional traits in a species-rich grassland and a short-term change in management: Is there a competition-colonization trade-off?
The species richness of grasslands generally cannot be fully restored after changes in
management. Some species with small statures and basal leaf rosettes can be lost forever …
management. Some species with small statures and basal leaf rosettes can be lost forever …
Vztah mezi plochou a počtem druhů ptáků: variabilita mezi prostředími mírného pásu
M Gaigr - 2023 - dspace.cuni.cz
Vztah mezi plochou a počtem druhů organismů je jedním nejstarších a nejstudovanějších
principů v přírodě, často je označován jeden ze zákonů v gům slouží především k …
principů v přírodě, často je označován jeden ze zákonů v gům slouží především k …
[PDF][PDF] Suppressing competitive dominants and community restoration with native parasitic plants using the
J Tˇeˇsitel, J Mladek, J Hornık, T Tˇeˇsitelova… - 2017 - researchgate.net
Dominance of native or alien competitive plants causes competitive exclusion of subordinate
species and represents a major mechanism reducing biodiversity following land-use …
species and represents a major mechanism reducing biodiversity following land-use …