The pre-big bang scenario in string cosmology
M Gasperini, G Veneziano - Physics Reports, 2003 - Elsevier
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Primordial magnetogenesis
A Kandus, KE Kunze, CG Tsagas - Physics reports, 2011 - Elsevier
Magnetic fields appear everywhere in the universe. From stars and galaxies, all the way to
galaxy clusters and remote protogalactic clouds, magnetic fields of considerable strength …
galaxy clusters and remote protogalactic clouds, magnetic fields of considerable strength …
Dark energy anisotropic stress and large scale structure formation
T Koivisto, DF Mota - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2006 - APS
We investigate the consequences of an imperfect dark energy fluid on the large scale
structure. A phenomenological three parameter fluid description is used to study the effect of …
structure. A phenomenological three parameter fluid description is used to study the effect of …
The magnetized universe
M Giovannini - International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2004 - World Scientific
Cosmology, high-energy physics and astrophysics are today converging to the study of large
scale magnetic fields. While the experimental evidence for the existence of large scale …
scale magnetic fields. While the experimental evidence for the existence of large scale …
Generation of large scale magnetic fields in single-field inflation
J Martin, J Yokoyama - Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle …, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the generation of large scale magnetic fields in slow-roll inflation. The inflaton
field is described in a supergravity framework where the conformal invariance of the …
field is described in a supergravity framework where the conformal invariance of the …
Vector field models of inflation and dark energy
T Koivisto, DF Mota - Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle …, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider several new classes of viable vector field alternatives to the inflaton and
quintessence scalar fields. Spatial vector fields are shown to be compatible with the …
quintessence scalar fields. Spatial vector fields are shown to be compatible with the …
Gauss-Bonnet quintessence: Background evolution, large scale structure,<? format?> and cosmological constraints
T Koivisto, DF Mota - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2007 - APS
We investigate a string-inspired dark energy scenario featuring a scalar field with a coupling
to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant. We discuss extensively the cosmological and astrophysical …
to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant. We discuss extensively the cosmological and astrophysical …
Large-scale magnetic fields from inflation in dilaton electromagnetism
K Bamba, J Yokoyama - Physical Review D, 2004 - APS
The generation of large-scale magnetic fields is studied in dilaton electromagnetism in
inflationary cosmology, taking into account the dilaton's evolution throughout inflation and …
inflationary cosmology, taking into account the dilaton's evolution throughout inflation and …
Gravitational wave production: A Strong constraint on primordial magnetic fields
C Caprini, R Durrer - Physical Review D, 2001 - APS
We compute the gravity waves induced by anisotropic stresses of stochastic primordial
magnetic fields. The nucleosynthesis bound on gravity waves is then used to derive a limit …
magnetic fields. The nucleosynthesis bound on gravity waves is then used to derive a limit …
Massive neutrinos and magnetic fields in the early universe
Primordial magnetic fields and massive neutrinos can leave an interesting signal in the CMB
temperature and polarization. We perform a systematic analysis of general perturbations in …
temperature and polarization. We perform a systematic analysis of general perturbations in …