Positive change following trauma and adversity: A review

PA Linley, S Joseph - … of traumatic stress: official publication of …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Empirical studies (n= 39) that documented positive change following trauma and
adversity (eg, posttraumatic growth, stress‐related growth, perceived benefit, thriving; …

The relationship between spirituality and religiosity on psychological outcomes in adolescents and emerging adults: A meta-analytic review

JE Yonker, CA Schnabelrauch, LG DeHaan - Journal of adolescence, 2012 - Elsevier
The present study used meta-analytic techniques to examine the association between
spirituality and religiosity (S/R) and psychological outcomes in adolescents and emerging …

[KNJIGA][B] Posttraumatic growth: Theory, research, and applications

RG Tedeschi, J Shakespeare-Finch, K Taku - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Posttraumatic Growth reworks and overhauls the seminal 2006 Handbook of Posttraumatic
Growth. It provides a wide range of answers to questions concerning knowledge of …

Positive and negative experiences of living in COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of Italian adolescents' narratives

C Fioretti, BE Palladino, A Nocentini… - Frontiers in …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Introduction Despite a growing interest in the field, scarce narrative studies have delved into
adolescents' psychological experiences related to global emergencies caused by infective …

" Posttraumatic growth: conceptual foundations and empirical evidence"

RG Tedeschi, LG Calhoun - Psychological inquiry, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
This article describes the concept of posttraumatic growth, its conceptual foundations, and
supporting empirical evidence. Posttraumatic growth is the experience of positive change …

Optimism, social support, and co** strategies as factors contributing to posttraumatic growth: A meta-analysis

G Prati, L Pietrantoni - Journal of loss and trauma, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
This meta-analytic review examines the role of optimism, social support, and co**
strategies in contributing to posttraumatic growth. Results from 103 studies showed that all …

A meta-analytic review of benefit finding and growth.

VS Helgeson, KA Reynolds… - Journal of consulting and …, 2006 - psycnet.apa.org
Interest in the phenomenon of perceived growth following highly stressful experiences
continues to proliferate. Already there is abundant evidence that perceptions of growth are …

Posttraumatic growth among children and adolescents: A systematic review

DA Meyerson, KE Grant, JS Carter, RP Kilmer - Clinical psychology review, 2011 - Elsevier
Stress and trauma research has traditionally focused on negative sequelae of adversity.
Recently, research has begun to focus on positive outcomes, specifically posttraumatic …

Religion, spirituality, and posttraumatic growth: A systematic review

A Shaw, S Joseph, PA Linley - Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
A search of the published literature identified 11 empirical studies that reported links
between religion, spirituality, and posttraumatic growth. A review of these 11 studies …

Positive youth development through sport

NL Holt, CJ Deal, K Pankow - Handbook of sport psychology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Summary Positive Youth Development (PYD) is an asset‐building approach to youth
development research and practice that emphasizes enhancing strengths and develo** …