Superconductivity and correlated phases in non-twisted bilayer and trilayer graphene
Twisted bilayer graphene has a rich phase diagram, including superconductivity. Recently,
an unexpected discovery has been the observation of superconductivity in non-twisted …
an unexpected discovery has been the observation of superconductivity in non-twisted …
Sliding van der Waals polytypes
Compared with electronic phase transitions, structural phase transitions of crystals are
challenging to control owing to the energy cost of breaking dense solid bonds. Recently …
challenging to control owing to the energy cost of breaking dense solid bonds. Recently …
Enhanced superconductivity in spin–orbit proximitized bilayer graphene
In the presence of a large perpendicular electric field, Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene
(BLG) features several broken-symmetry metallic phases,–as well as magnetic-field-induced …
(BLG) features several broken-symmetry metallic phases,–as well as magnetic-field-induced …
Isospin magnetism and spin-polarized superconductivity in Bernal bilayer graphene
In conventional superconductors, Cooper pairing occurs between electrons of opposite spin.
We observe spin-polarized superconductivity in Bernal bilayer graphene when doped to a …
We observe spin-polarized superconductivity in Bernal bilayer graphene when doped to a …
Inter-valley coherent order and isospin fluctuation mediated superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
Superconductivity was recently discovered in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (RTG) in the
absence of a moiré potential. Superconductivity is observed proximate to a metallic state …
absence of a moiré potential. Superconductivity is observed proximate to a metallic state …
Evolution of superconductivity in twisted graphene multilayers
The group of moiré graphene superconductors keeps growing, and by now it contains
twisted graphene multilayers as well as untwisted stacks. We analyze here the contribution …
twisted graphene multilayers as well as untwisted stacks. We analyze here the contribution …
Spin and orbital metallic magnetism in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
We provide a theoretical interpretation of the metallic broken spin-valley (flavor) symmetry
states recently discovered in hole-doped rhombohedral trilayer (ABC) graphene in large …
states recently discovered in hole-doped rhombohedral trilayer (ABC) graphene in large …
Mechanical, electronic, optical, piezoelectric and ferroic properties of strained graphene and other strained monolayers and multilayers: an update
This is an update of a previous review (Naumis et al 2017 Rep. Prog. Phys. 80 096501).
Experimental and theoretical advances for straining graphene and other metallic, insulating …
Experimental and theoretical advances for straining graphene and other metallic, insulating …
Superconductivity from electronic interactions and spin-orbit enhancement in bilayer and trilayer graphene
We discuss a Kohn-Luttinger-like mechanism for superconductivity in Bernal bilayer
graphene and rhombohedral trilayer graphene. Working within the continuum model …
graphene and rhombohedral trilayer graphene. Working within the continuum model …
Correlated phases in spin-orbit-coupled rhombohedral trilayer graphene
Recent experiments indicate that crystalline graphene multilayers exhibit much of the
richness of their twisted counterparts, including cascades of symmetry-broken states and …
richness of their twisted counterparts, including cascades of symmetry-broken states and …