The critical O (N) CFT: Methods and conformal data
J Henriksson - Physics Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The critical O (N) CFT in spacetime dimensions 2< d< 4 is one of the most important
examples of a conformal field theory, with the Ising CFT at N= 1, 2⩽ d< 4, as a notable …
examples of a conformal field theory, with the Ising CFT at N= 1, 2⩽ d< 4, as a notable …
On higher-spin points and infinite distances in conformal manifolds
F Baume, J Calderón-Infante - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract Distances in the conformal manifold, the space of CFTs related by marginal
deformations, can be measured in terms of the Zamolodchikov metric. Part of the CFT …
deformations, can be measured in terms of the Zamolodchikov metric. Part of the CFT …
Snowmass white paper: higher spin gravity and higher spin symmetry
Higher Spin Gravity refers to extensions of gravity including at least one field of spin greater
than two. These extensions are expected to provide manageable models of quantum gravity …
than two. These extensions are expected to provide manageable models of quantum gravity …
Large spin perturbation theory for conformal field theories
LF Alday - Physical Review Letters, 2017 - APS
We consider conformal field theories around points of large twist degeneracy. Examples of
this are theories with weakly broken higher spin symmetry and perturbations around …
this are theories with weakly broken higher spin symmetry and perturbations around …
A Mellin space approach to the conformal bootstrap
A bstract We describe in more detail our approach to the conformal bootstrap which uses the
Mellin representation of CFT d four point functions and expands them in terms of crossing …
Mellin representation of CFT d four point functions and expands them in terms of crossing …
Conformal bootstrap in Mellin space
We propose a new approach towards analytically solving for the dynamical content of
conformal field theories (CFTs) using the bootstrap philosophy. This combines the original …
conformal field theories (CFTs) using the bootstrap philosophy. This combines the original …
CFT in AdS and boundary RG flows
A bstract Using the fact that flat space with a boundary is related by a Weyl transformation to
anti-de Sitter (AdS) space, one may study observables in boundary conformal field theory …
anti-de Sitter (AdS) space, one may study observables in boundary conformal field theory …
Spontaneous symmetry breaking on surface defects
G Cuomo, S Zhang - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024 - Springer
A bstract Coleman's theorem states that continuous internal symmetries cannot be
spontaneously broken in two-dimensional quantum field theories (QFTs). In this work we …
spontaneously broken in two-dimensional quantum field theories (QFTs). In this work we …
Analytic bootstrap for the localized magnetic field
L Bianchi, D Bonomi, E de Sabbata - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We study the two-point function of local operators in the critical O (N) model in the
presence of a magnetic field localized on a line. We use a recently developed conformal …
presence of a magnetic field localized on a line. We use a recently developed conformal …
A scaling theory for the long-range to short-range crossover and an infrared duality
A scaling theory for the long-range to short-range crossover and an infrared duality -
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