A systematic review and meta‐analysis of micronutrient intakes during pregnancy in developed countries
ML Blumfield, AJ Hure, L Macdonald‐Wicks… - Nutrition …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Micronutrient status during pregnancy influences maternal and fetal health, birth outcomes,
and the risk of chronic disease in offspring. Research reporting dietary intake during …
and the risk of chronic disease in offspring. Research reporting dietary intake during …
Impact of preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum culinary nutrition education interventions: a systematic review
Context Frequent consumption of home-prepared meals is associated with higher diet
quality in children and adults. Therefore, increasing the culinary skills of women and couples …
quality in children and adults. Therefore, increasing the culinary skills of women and couples …
An observational study of nutrition and physical activity behaviours, knowledge, and advice in pregnancy
Background Maternal obesity, excess weight gain and lifestyle behaviours during pregnancy
have been associated with future overweight and other adverse health outcomes for …
have been associated with future overweight and other adverse health outcomes for …
Adherence to the Australian dietary guidelines during pregnancy: evidence from a national study
Objective To assess dietary intake of pregnant women against the Australian Dietary
Guidelines with respect to the Five Food Group recommendations and determine predictors …
Guidelines with respect to the Five Food Group recommendations and determine predictors …
A decrease in diet quality occurs during pregnancy in overweight and obese women which is maintained post-partum
Background: Ensuring adequate dietary intake during pregnancy has important implications
for optimising maternal and fetal health. It is not known whether diet quality is altered over …
for optimising maternal and fetal health. It is not known whether diet quality is altered over …
Pre-pregnancy fast food and fruit intake is associated with time to pregnancy
STUDY QUESTION Is preconception dietary intake associated with reduced fecundity as
measured by a longer time to pregnancy (TTP)? SUMMARY ANSWER Lower intake of fruit …
measured by a longer time to pregnancy (TTP)? SUMMARY ANSWER Lower intake of fruit …
Diet quality, measured by fruit and vegetable intake, predicts weight change in young women
This study investigates the relationship between diet quality and weight gain in young
women. Young women (n= 4,287, with 1,356 women identified as plausible subsample …
women. Young women (n= 4,287, with 1,356 women identified as plausible subsample …
Informing nutrition care in the antenatal period: pregnant women's experiences and need for support
K Bookari, H Yeatman… - BioMed research …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This study aimed to provide insights into Australian women's experiences in gaining nutrition
information during pregnancy. Individual semistructured telephone interviews were …
information during pregnancy. Individual semistructured telephone interviews were …
Exploring Australian women's level of nutrition knowledge during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study
Background The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGHE) for pregnancy provides a
number of food-and nutrition-related recommendations to assist pregnant women in …
number of food-and nutrition-related recommendations to assist pregnant women in …
Validation of a smartphone image-based dietary assessment method for pregnant women
Image-based dietary records could lower participant burden associated with traditional
prospective methods of dietary assessment. They have been used in children, adolescents …
prospective methods of dietary assessment. They have been used in children, adolescents …