An approach to combine neutron and ion irradiation data to accelerate material qualification for nuclear reactors
Next-generation nuclear power plants are generally characterized by higher operating
temperatures, increased neutron fluences and energies, and distinct corrosive coolant …
temperatures, increased neutron fluences and energies, and distinct corrosive coolant …
Ultrastrong nanocrystalline steel with exceptional thermal stability and radiation tolerance
Nanocrystalline (NC) metals are stronger and more radiation-tolerant than their coarse-
grained (CG) counterparts, but they often suffer from poor thermal stability as nanograins …
grained (CG) counterparts, but they often suffer from poor thermal stability as nanograins …
Void swelling and microstructure evolution at very high damage level in self-ion irradiated ferritic-martensitic steels
The void swelling and microstructure evolution of ferritic-martensitic alloys HT9, T91 and T92
were characterized following irradiation with Fe++ ions at 460° C to damage levels of 75 …
were characterized following irradiation with Fe++ ions at 460° C to damage levels of 75 …
A quantitative method to determine the region not influenced by injected interstitial and surface effects during void swelling in ion-irradiated metals
We propose and demonstrate a microstructurally-based experimental method to quantitively
determine the depth regions in self-ion-irradiated metals that are affected by the injected …
determine the depth regions in self-ion-irradiated metals that are affected by the injected …
Radiation response of alloy T91 at damage levels up to 1000 peak dpa
Ferritic/martensitic alloys are required for advanced reactor components to survive 500–600
neutron-induced dpa. Ion-induced void swelling of ferritic/martensitic alloy T91 in the …
neutron-induced dpa. Ion-induced void swelling of ferritic/martensitic alloy T91 in the …
Detecting self-ion irradiation-induced void swelling in pure copper using transient grating spectroscopy
Irradiation-induced void swelling remains a major challenge to nuclear reactor operation.
Swelling may take years to initiate and often results in rapid material property degradation …
Swelling may take years to initiate and often results in rapid material property degradation …
The effect of injected interstitials on void formation in self-ion irradiated nickel containing concentrated solid solution alloys
Pure nickel and three nickel containing single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys (SP-
CSAs) have been irradiated using 3 MeV Ni 2+ ions at 500° C to fluences of 1.5× 10 16 and …
CSAs) have been irradiated using 3 MeV Ni 2+ ions at 500° C to fluences of 1.5× 10 16 and …
From suppressed void growth to significant void swelling in NiCoFeCr complex concentrated solid-solution alloy
Void swelling can result in dimensional instability and undermine the safe operation of
nuclear reactors. Current strategies to inhibit void swelling mainly focus on enhancing defect …
nuclear reactors. Current strategies to inhibit void swelling mainly focus on enhancing defect …
The co-evolution of microstructure features in self-ion irradiated HT9 at very high damage levels
Understanding the void swelling and phase evolution of reactor structural materials at very
high damage levels is essential to maintaining safety and longevity of components in Gen IV …
high damage levels is essential to maintaining safety and longevity of components in Gen IV …
Swelling resistance of advanced austenitic alloy A709 and its comparison with 316 stainless steel at high damage levels
Alloy A709 is an austenitic alloy developed for power boiler applications in thermal power
plants and is being considered as a candidate structural material for Generation IV reactors …
plants and is being considered as a candidate structural material for Generation IV reactors …