Nonclassical properties and teleportation in the two-mode photon-added displaced squeezed states

NTX Hoai, TM Duc - International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2016 - World Scientific
In this paper, we study the nonclassical properties and find out the effect of photon addition
on these properties as well as the process of teleportation in the two-mode photon-added …

Quantum teleportation with pair-coherent states

A Gabris, GS Agarwal - International Journal of Quantum …, 2007 - World Scientific
Recently, it has been argued that all presently performed continuous variable quantum
teleportation experiments could be explained using a local hidden variable theory. In this …

Nonideal teleportation in coherent-state basis

A Vukics, J Janszky, T Kobayashi - Physical Review A, 2002 - APS
A coherent representation has been developed for entanglement and measurement, which
is an elegant approach to continuous variable quantum teleportation. In the present paper …

Nonclassical properties of teleported optical fields in quantum teleportation of continuous variables

F Li, H Li, J Zhang, S Zhu - Physical Review A, 2002 - APS
When sending a quantum state which originally has nonclassical properties such as various
kinds of squeezing and photon antibunching effects according to the protocol for …

Application of three-mode Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled state with continuous variables to teleportation

H Li-Yun, L Hai-Liang - Chinese Physics, 2007 -
We consider how to teleport two-and three-mode Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen entangled
states (| η⟩ and| pt, χ 2, χ 3⟩) via a| pt, χ 2, χ 3⟩ quantum channel for continuous variables …

Improvement quantum teleportation via the pair coherent states

TQ Dat, TM Duc, HS Chuong - Journal of Physics: Conference …, 2018 -
In this paper, we present two methods to improve the average fidelity in the quantum
teleportation processes to teleport a coherent state via the pair coherent states. We use the …

One-complex-plane representation: a coherent-state description of entanglementand teleportation

J Janszky, A Gábris, M Koniorczyk… - Journal of Optics B …, 2002 -
It is shown that any state of two modes of the electromagnetic field (or any other bipartite
bosonic system) can be expressed as a coherent superposition of conjugate coherent-state …

Teleported state and its fidelity in quantum teleportation of continuous variables

L Fu-Li, L Hong-Rong, Z Jun-**ang… - Chinese physics …, 2003 -
When given an unknown quantum state which may be either a pure or a mixed state in the
coherent state representation, we show that explicit expressions for the teleported state and …

Distinguishing Schrödinger cats in a lossy environment

A Gábris, P Adám, M Koniorczyk… - Journal of Optics B …, 2004 -
Optical Schrödinger cat states—that is, even and odd coherent states—are considered as
possible candidates for forming a computational basis for a coherent state qubit. The …

Teleportation of Squeezed EntangledState

H Li-Yun, Z Nan-Run - Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2007 -
Based on the coherent entangled state| α, x⟩ we introduce the squeezed entangled state
(SES). Then we propose a teleportation protocol for the SES by using Einstein–Podolsky …