[HTML][HTML] Review of optimal sizing and power management strategies for fuel cell/battery/super capacitor hybrid electric vehicles
Energy management strategies and optimal power source sizing for fuel cell/battery/super
capacitor hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are critical for power splitting and cost-effective …
capacitor hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are critical for power splitting and cost-effective …
[Free GPT-4]
The research on energy storage resource management is an important measure to cope
with the present problem of uncertainty in the use of renewable energy, in order to explore …
with the present problem of uncertainty in the use of renewable energy, in order to explore …
A robust fractional-order PID controller based load frequency control using modified hunger games search optimizer
In this article, a recent modified meta-heuristic optimizer named the modified hunger games
search optimizer (MHGS) is developed to determine the optimal parameters of a fractional …
search optimizer (MHGS) is developed to determine the optimal parameters of a fractional …