The Ecotourism Mangrove Suitability Assessment in Reroroja Village, Magepanda District, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

KR Calumba, AL Kangkan, LNL Toruan - Omni-Akuatika, 2023 -
The mangrove area of Reroroja Village has the potential to be developed into an ecotourism
area, because mangroves grow along the coast. This study aims to determine the suitability …

Policy Networks in Ecotourism Governance: Evidence from Local Perspective

MH Tamrin, A Roziqin - Technium Soc. Sci. J., 2024 - HeinOnline
This study examined the governance of ecotourism at Dalegan Beach, with a focus on policy
networks. The goal is to provide insights concerning actor, role, functions, characteristic …

Multidimensional Impact Analysis of Corrupt Practices in Nickel Mining on Sustainable Development in North Maluku

A Deni, B Kristanto - Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Publik, 2024 -
This study examines the multifaceted impacts of corrupt practices in the nickel mining
industry in North Maluku. Corrupt practices in the mining sector remain a major issue …

Tolerance Index and Policy Model in Sustainable Tourism Development in Central Lombok Regency, Indonesia

A Agus, Z Ansori - MUHARRIK: Jurnal Dakwah dan …, 2023 -
This article aims to describe the tolerance index and management model of tourism
development in Central Lombok Regency. Using the mix-method, this study found that the …

Community Governance for Coastal Empowerment in Bintan Regency: Challenges and Strategies

A Alfiandri, NI Rivai, E Darmawan… - Jurnal Manajemen …, 2024 -
This study explores community governance within the context of coastal community
empowerment policies in Bintan Regency. The research employed a qualitative approach …

Pendam**an Pemangku Kepentingan Dalam Governansi Ekowisata Pesisir Di Pulau Bintan Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

A Alfiandri, E Prasojo… - Jurnal Pengabdian …, 2024 -
Pendam**an pemangku kepentingan dalam mengelola ekowisata pesisir di Pulau Bintan,
dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan tata kelola yang berkelanjutan dan melibatkan berbagai …

Quintuple Helix Dalam Peningkatan Potensi Lokal Berbasis Ekonomi Biru Pelabuhan Kota Probolinggo

Indonesia merupakan negara maritim. Negara Indonesia mengoptimalkan potensi
kelautannya relevan dengan tujuan Negara Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia …