The non-carbonaceous–carbonaceous meteorite dichotomy

T Kleine, G Budde, C Burkhardt, TS Kruijer… - Space Science …, 2020 - Springer
The isotopic dichotomy between non-carbonaceous (NC) and carbonaceous (CC)
meteorites indicates that meteorite parent bodies derive from two genetically distinct …

The stable isotope geochemistry of molybdenum

B Kendall, TW Dahl, AD Anbar - Reviews in Mineralogy …, 2017 -
“The Answer to the Great Question... Of Life, the Universe and Everything... Is... Forty-two,”
said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm…“I checked it very thoroughly,” said the …

Ryugu's nucleosynthetic heritage from the outskirts of the Solar System

T Hopp, N Dauphas, Y Abe, J Aléon… - Science …, 2022 -
Little is known about the origin of the spectral diversity of asteroids and what it says about
conditions in the protoplanetary disk. Here, we show that samples returned from Cb-type …

Mantle Composition

HSC O'Neill - The Mantle and Core: Treatise on Geochemistry …, 2005 -
terrestrial rocks. By the year 1850, 18 elements had been identified in meteorites: carbon,
oxygen, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorous, sulfur, potassium, calcium …

The r-process of stellar nucleosynthesis: Astrophysics and nuclear physics achievements and mysteries

M Arnould, S Goriely, K Takahashi - Physics Reports, 2007 - Elsevier
The r-process, or the rapid neutron-capture process, of stellar nucleosynthesis is called for to
explain the production of the stable (and some long-lived radioactive) neutron-rich nuclides …

The proto-Earth as a significant source of lunar material

J Zhang, N Dauphas, AM Davis, I Leya, A Fedkin - Nature Geoscience, 2012 -
A giant impact between the proto-Earth and a Mars-sized impactor named Theia is the
favoured scenario for the formation of the Moon,,. Oxygen isotopic compositions have been …

The p-process of stellar nucleosynthesis: astrophysics and nuclear physics status

M Arnould, S Goriely - Physics Reports, 2003 - Elsevier
The p-process of stellar nucleosynthesis is aimed at explaining the production of the stable
neutron-deficient nuclides heavier than iron that are observed up to now in the solar system …

[HTML][HTML] Molybdenum isotopic evidence for the origin of chondrules and a distinct genetic heritage of carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous meteorites

G Budde, C Burkhardt, GA Brennecka… - Earth and Planetary …, 2016 - Elsevier
Nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies are powerful tracers to determine the provenance of
meteorites and their components, and to identify genetic links between these materials. Here …

The Ni isotopic composition of Ryugu reveals a common accretion region for carbonaceous chondrites

F Spitzer, T Kleine, C Burkhardt, T Hopp… - Science …, 2024 -
The isotopic compositions of samples returned from Cb-type asteroid Ryugu and Ivuna-type
(CI) chondrites are distinct from other carbonaceous chondrites, which has led to the …

Mass fractionation laws, mass-independent effects, and isotopic anomalies

N Dauphas, EA Schauble - Annual Review of Earth and …, 2016 -
Isotopic variations usually follow mass-dependent fractionation, meaning that the relative
variations in isotopic ratios scale with the difference in mass of the isotopes involved (eg …