Assert and negate revisited: Modal semantics for UML sequence diagrams

D Harel, S Maoz - Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on …, 2006 -
Live Sequence Charts (LSC) extend Message Sequence Charts (MSC), mainly by
distinguishing possible from necessary behavior. They thus enable the specification of rich …

The many meanings of UML 2 Sequence Diagrams: a survey

Z Micskei, H Waeselynck - Software & Systems Modeling, 2011 - Springer
Scenario languages are widely used in software development. Typical usage scenarios,
forbidden behaviors, test cases, and many more aspects can be depicted with graphical …

Formalizing UML state machines for automated verification–A survey

É André, S Liu, Y Liu, C Choppy, J Sun… - ACM Computing …, 2023 -
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard for modeling dynamic systems. UML
behavioral state machines are used for modeling the dynamic behavior of object-oriented …

Formal verification and validation of UML 2.0 sequence diagrams using source and destination of messages

V Lima, C Talhi, D Mouheb, M Debbabi, L Wang… - Electronic notes in …, 2009 - Elsevier
A major challenge in software development process is to advance error detection to early
phases of the software life cycle. For this purpose, the Verification and Validation (V&V) of …

ProMoBox: a framework for generating domain-specific property languages

B Meyers, R Deshayes, L Lucio, E Syriani… - … Conference, SLE 2014 …, 2014 - Springer
Specifying and verifying properties of the modelled system has been mostly neglected by
domain-specific modelling (DSM) approaches. At best, this is only partially supported by …

[KNJIGA][B] UML 2 semantics and applications

K Lano - 2009 - Wiley Online Library
UML 2 semantics and applications UML 2 SEMANTICS AND APPLICATIONS Page 2 UML 2

Unified verification and monitoring of executable UML specifications: a transformation-free approach

V Besnard, C Teodorov, F Jouault, M Brun… - Software and Systems …, 2021 - Springer
The increasing complexity of embedded systems renders software verification more
complex, requiring monitoring and formal techniques, like model-checking. However, to use …

A feature-based classification of formal verification techniques for software models

S Gabmeyer, P Kaufmann, M Seidl, M Gogolla… - Software & Systems …, 2019 - Springer
Software models are the core development artifact in model-based engineering (MBE). The
MBE paradigm promotes the use of software models to describe structure and behavior of …

Search‐based model transformations

M Fleck, J Troya, M Wimmer - Journal of Software: Evolution …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Model transformations are an important cornerstone of model‐driven engineering, a
discipline which facilitates the abstraction of relevant information of a system as models. The …

Denotational and operational semantics for interaction languages: Application to trace analysis

E Mahe, C Gaston, P Le Gall - Science of Computer Programming, 2024 - Elsevier
Graphical depictions of distributed systems' behaviors in the form of Sequence Diagrams
(SD) are widely used, with formalisms such as Message Sequence Charts (MSC) or UML …