Concentrated photovoltaics as light harvesters: Outlook, recent progress, and challenges
Concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) is a dawn technology in the field of photovoltaic that helps
in escalating the effective use of solar energy. Nowadays, applications of photovoltaic solar …
in escalating the effective use of solar energy. Nowadays, applications of photovoltaic solar …
Concentrated photovoltaic: A review of thermal aspects, challenges and opportunities
Photovoltaics (PVs) are promising sustainable energy generators, yet the higher initial cost
of PV systems compared to the conventional fossil fuel based energy systems remains a …
of PV systems compared to the conventional fossil fuel based energy systems remains a …
Simulation of the performance of a solar concentrating photovoltaic-thermal collector, applied in a combined cooling heating and power generation system
The aim of this study is evaluating the performance of a combined cooling, heating, and
power generation system (a trigeneration), composed of a concentrating photovoltaic …
power generation system (a trigeneration), composed of a concentrating photovoltaic …
Advances in solar thermal harvesting technology based on surface solar absorption collectors: A review
This study presents a critical review of the major research and development work that has
advanced surface solar absorption technology and also discusses the applications of this …
advanced surface solar absorption technology and also discusses the applications of this …
[HTML][HTML] Thermal performance assessment of the world's first solar thermal Fresnel lens collector field
Fresnel lenses are used in a wide range of solar energy applications, primarily due to their
reduced material usage, low cost, and high optical efficiency. This study presents an …
reduced material usage, low cost, and high optical efficiency. This study presents an …
A solar optical reflection lighting system for threshold zone of short tunnels: Theory and practice
S Yu, LS Shi, L Zhang, Z Liu, Y Tu - Tunnelling and Underground Space …, 2023 - Elsevier
This study develops a novel solar optical reflection (SOR) lighting system for threshold zone
of short tunnels. In the system, the solar collector consists of a Fresnel lens and a dual axis …
of short tunnels. In the system, the solar collector consists of a Fresnel lens and a dual axis …
Performance evaluation of solar parabolic trough receiver using multiple twisted tapes with circular perforation and delta winglet
A parabolic trough collector (PTC) is one of the concentrating types of a solar collector
working in the medium range of temperature from 100–400° C, for this reason, the efficiency …
working in the medium range of temperature from 100–400° C, for this reason, the efficiency …
Multi-module concentrated photovoltaic thermal system feasibility for greenhouse heating: Model validation and techno-economic analysis
MI Hussain, A Ali, GH Lee - Solar Energy, 2016 - Elsevier
The core concept of this study is to evaluate the energy potential and economic viability of
concentrated photovoltaic thermal (CPVT) systems as a substitute for electricity, kerosene …
concentrated photovoltaic thermal (CPVT) systems as a substitute for electricity, kerosene …
Performance analysis of solar parabolic trough receiver with twisted perforated conical inserts
A solar parabolic trough is one of the types of solar thermal collector used to harness
sunlight and convert it into usable heat energy. Solar parabolic trough collector …
sunlight and convert it into usable heat energy. Solar parabolic trough collector …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental and theoretical modelling of concentrating photovoltaic thermal system with Ge-based multi-junction solar cells
Climate change is one of the biggest environmental, political, economic, technological, and
social challenges of the 21st century. Due to ever-increasing fossil fuels costs. The world …
social challenges of the 21st century. Due to ever-increasing fossil fuels costs. The world …