Three-dimensional characterisation of pore networks and fluid flow in segregated heaps in the presence of crushed ore and agglomerates
Due to the differences in ore feeds and stacking procedures, segregated pore networks are
commonly observed in industrial heap leaching operations, which strongly affect the pore …
commonly observed in industrial heap leaching operations, which strongly affect the pore …
Non-uniqueness and uncertainty quantification of relative permeability measurements by inverse modelling
Relative permeability is traditionally obtained in core flooding experiments from production
data and pressure drop either using analytical methods or inverse modelling. In most cases …
data and pressure drop either using analytical methods or inverse modelling. In most cases …
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for parameterization of multiphase flow models
The long-standing question on the adequate description of multiphase flow in porous media
may be ultimately decided based on the ability to estimate model parameters with sufficient …
may be ultimately decided based on the ability to estimate model parameters with sufficient …
3d Characterization of Inter-Particle Pore Network and Fluid Flow in Segregated Heap with Existence of Crushed Ore and Agglomerations
L Wang, X Zhang, S Yin, X Zhang, P Liu - Available at SSRN 4270156 -
Due to the differentiate ore feeds and stacking procedure, the segregated pore network is
commonly observed in industrial heap leaching operations, which is heavily affect the pore …
commonly observed in industrial heap leaching operations, which is heavily affect the pore …