Breast-v. formula-feeding: impacts on the digestive tract and immediate and long-term health effects
The health benefits of breast-feeding have been recognised for a long time. In particular,
breast-feeding is associated with lower incidence of necrotising enterocolitis and diarrhoea …
breast-feeding is associated with lower incidence of necrotising enterocolitis and diarrhoea …
[HTML][HTML] Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Background: The prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing rapidly in low-and middle-
income countries, and informed policies to tackle the problem must be defined. Objective …
income countries, and informed policies to tackle the problem must be defined. Objective …
An introduction to systematic reviews
Chapter 1 discussed the ways that reviews examine previous research and other forms of
evidence to answer review questions and how their methods depend upon the questions …
evidence to answer review questions and how their methods depend upon the questions …
Evaluating parents and adult caregivers as “agents of change” for treating obese children: evidence for parent behavior change strategies and research gaps: a …
This scientific statement addresses parents and adult caregivers (PACs) as “agents of
change” for obese children, evaluating the strength of evidence that particular parenting …
change” for obese children, evaluating the strength of evidence that particular parenting …
Etiology, treatment, and prevention of obesity in childhood and adolescence: A decade in review
D Spruijt‐Metz - Journal of research on Adolescence, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Childhood obesity has become an epidemic on a worldwide scale. This article gives an
overview of the progress made in childhood and adolescent obesity research in the last …
overview of the progress made in childhood and adolescent obesity research in the last …
Evidence‐based recommendations for the development of obesity prevention programs targeted at preschool children
The ToyBox intervention was developed using an evidence‐based approach, using the
findings of four reviews. These reviews included three critical and narrative reviews of …
findings of four reviews. These reviews included three critical and narrative reviews of …
Obesity in children with developmental and/or physical disabilities
Children with developmental or physical disabilities, many of whom face serious health-
related conditions, also are affected by the current obesity crisis. Although evidence …
related conditions, also are affected by the current obesity crisis. Although evidence …
The therapeutics of lifestyle management on obesity
PA Dyson - Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The global incidence and prevalence of obesity continue to increase, with the fastest rate of
increase in the develo** world. Obesity is associated with many chronic diseases …
increase in the develo** world. Obesity is associated with many chronic diseases …
The Memphis Girls' health Enrichment Multi-site Studies (GEMS): an evaluation of the efficacy of a 2-year obesity prevention program in African American girls
RC Klesges, E Obarzanek, S Kumanyika… - … of pediatrics & …, 2010 - jamanetwork.com
Objective To determine the efficacy of a 2-year obesity prevention program in African
American girls. Design Memphis GEMS (Girls' health Enrichment Multi-site Studies) was a …
American girls. Design Memphis GEMS (Girls' health Enrichment Multi-site Studies) was a …
Effect of an environmental school‐based obesity prevention program on changes in body fat and body weight: a randomized trial
DA Williamson, CM Champagne, DW Harsha, H Han… - …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
This study tested the efficacy of two school‐based programs for prevention of body weight/fat
gain in comparison to a control group, in all participants and in overweight children. The …
gain in comparison to a control group, in all participants and in overweight children. The …