Quantum phase diagrams of Dicke-Ising models by a wormhole algorithm

A Langheld, M Hörmann, KP Schmidt - arxiv preprint arxiv:2409.15082, 2024 - arxiv.org
We gain quantitative insights on effects of light-matter interactions on correlated quantum
matter by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We introduce a wormhole algorithm for the …

Dynamics of correlation spreading in low-dimensional transverse-field Ising models

R Kaneko, I Danshita - Physical Review A, 2023 - APS
We investigate the dynamical spreading of spatial correlations after a quantum quench
starting from a magnetically disordered state in the transverse-field Ising model at one (1D) …

Forecasting long-time dynamics in quantum many-body systems by dynamic mode decomposition

R Kaneko, M Imada, Y Kabashima, T Ohtsuki - Physical Review Research, 2025 - APS
Reliable numerical computation of quantum dynamics is a fundamental challenge when the
long-ranged quantum entanglement plays essential roles as in the cases governed by …

Effects of third-neighbor interactions on the frustrated quantum Ising model

M Roos, IF Muhl, M Schmidt, CV Morais, FM Zimmer - Physical Review E, 2024 - APS
We investigate thermal and quantum phase transitions of the J 1-J 2-J 3 transverse Ising
model on the square lattice. The model is studied within a cluster mean-field decoupling …

Surface criticality in the mixed-field Ising model with sign-inverted next-nearest-neighbor interaction

Y Nakamura, R Kaneko, I Danshita - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
Rydberg atoms in an optical tweezer array have been used as a quantum simulator of the
spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Ising model with longitudinal and transverse fields. We suggest …

Reentrant phenomenon in the decorated ising model

S Chen, Y Wu, J Lu, B Teng - Physica Scripta, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Based on the transverse-field Ising model, this paper utilizes the theory of correlated
effective fields to explore the ferromagnetic phase transition properties of nanoislands with …

[NAVEDBA][C] Using Automatic Differentiation to study the Fidelity Susceptibility metric of spin-1/2 systems in tilted magnetic fields

PU Canellas - 2021 - Universität Innsbruck