A comprehensive survey of network function virtualization
Today's networks are filled with a massive and ever-growing variety of network functions that
coupled with proprietary devices, which leads to network ossification and difficulty in network …
coupled with proprietary devices, which leads to network ossification and difficulty in network …
Network function virtualization and service function chaining frameworks: A comprehensive review of requirements, objectives, implementations, and open research …
Network slicing has become a fundamental property for next-generation networks,
especially because an inherent part of 5G standardisation is the ability for service providers …
especially because an inherent part of 5G standardisation is the ability for service providers …
NFVdeep: Adaptive online service function chain deployment with deep reinforcement learning
Y ** an effective orchestration model with low network cost is still a critical issue in …
P4SC: Towards high-performance service function chain implementation on the P4-capable device
X Chen, D Zhang, X Wang, K Zhu… - 2019 IFIP/IEEE …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Most Service Function Chains (SFCs) in Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are realized
on the software or offloading to the network interface card (NIC) and FPGA. However, the …
on the software or offloading to the network interface card (NIC) and FPGA. However, the …
[HTML][HTML] Online service function chain deployment for live-streaming in virtualized content delivery networks: A deep reinforcement learning approach
Video delivery is exploiting 5G networks to enable higher server consolidation and
deployment flexibility. Performance optimization is also a key target in such network …
deployment flexibility. Performance optimization is also a key target in such network …
[HTML][HTML] An online cost minimization of the slice broker based on deep reinforcement learning
The fifth generation of mobile networks can provide differentiated services enabled by
network slicing and multi-access edge computing. A new business actor, called Slice Broker …
network slicing and multi-access edge computing. A new business actor, called Slice Broker …
A deep neural network-based multi-label classifier for SLA violation prediction in a latency sensitive NFV application
Recent advancements in the domain of Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and rollout of
next-generation networks have necessitated the requirement for the upkeep of latency …
next-generation networks have necessitated the requirement for the upkeep of latency …