Rural governance, community empowerment and the new institutionalism: A case study of the Isle of Wight
D Clark, R Southern, J Beer - Journal of Rural Studies, 2007 - Elsevier
This article compares two different institutional models—state-sponsored rural partnerships
and community-based development trusts—for engaging and empowering local …
and community-based development trusts—for engaging and empowering local …
Rural geography: Processes, responses and experiences in rural restructuring
M Woods - 2004 -
Clear your mind and think of the word'rural'. What image do you see? Maybe you see the
rolling green downland of southern England, or the wide open spaces of the American …
rolling green downland of southern England, or the wide open spaces of the American …
[КНИГА][B] Rural
M Woods - 2010 -
The division of 'rural'and 'urban'is one of the oldest ideas in Geography and is deeply
engrained in our culture. Throughout history, the rural has been attributed with many …
engrained in our culture. Throughout history, the rural has been attributed with many …
Revisiting neo-endogenous rural development
M Gkartzios, P Lowe - The Routledge companion to rural planning, 2019 -
Rural development policy discourse has shifted considerably during recent decades,
increasingly supporting participatory models of governance and differentiated …
increasingly supporting participatory models of governance and differentiated …
The LEADER initiative has been a victim of its own success. The decline of the bottom‐up approach in rural development programmes. The cases of Wales and …
The LEADER approach has been at the heart of E uropean rural development policy for the
last 20 years, encompassing the principles of bottom‐up endogenous development and …
last 20 years, encompassing the principles of bottom‐up endogenous development and …
[HTML][HTML] Disintegrated development at the rural–urban fringe: Re-connecting spatial planning theory and practice
The spaces where countryside meets town are often amongst society's most valued and
pressured places which together form the rural–urban fringe (RUF). A 'messy'yet …
pressured places which together form the rural–urban fringe (RUF). A 'messy'yet …
After neoliberalism? Community activism and local partnerships in Aotearoa New Zealand
W Larner, D Craig - Antipode, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
In Aotearoa New Zealand, as elsewhere, partnership programmes overtly targeted to the
strengthening of local communities are develo** in a range of institutional sites. This …
strengthening of local communities are develo** in a range of institutional sites. This …
Tourism collaborative governance and rural community development in Finland: The Case of Vuonislahti
P Keyim - Journal of travel research, 2018 -
Tourism is recognized as a potential development mechanism for peripheral rural
communities encountering various changes and challenges. However, a relatively …
communities encountering various changes and challenges. However, a relatively …
Creating and sustaining professional learning partnerships: Activity theory as an analytic tool
D Bloomfield, HTM Nguyen - Australian Journal of Teacher …, 2015 -
Significant attention has been paid to the forms and practices of effective school-university
partnerships in recent times as they are commonly seen as a key element to improve the …
partnerships in recent times as they are commonly seen as a key element to improve the …
From 'forsaken site'to 'model village': Unraveling the multi-scalar process of rural revitalization in China
Researchers are paying increasing attention to issues of rural transformation. Exogenous
and endogenous have been conventionally recognized as the mainstream paradigms of …
and endogenous have been conventionally recognized as the mainstream paradigms of …