Social relationships in the workplace

J Chadsey, S Beyer - Mental retardation and developmental …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
As more workers with disabilities are competitively employed, there are numerous
opportunities to form social relationships with their co‐workers. Close social relationships …

Employment social skills: What skills are really valued?

M Agran, C Hughes, CA Thoma… - … and Transition for …, 2016 -
Although social skills have long been recognized as essential in promoting employees'
employability (eg, maintaining employment), there has been little research about work …

Mental retardation: Determining eligibility for social security benefits

CR Hartel, TG Myers, DJ Reschly - 2002 -
Current estimates suggest that between one and three percent of people living in the United
States will receive a diagnosis of mental retardation. Mental retardation, a condition …

Assessing and teaching job‐related social skills to adults with autism spectrum disorder

CM Grob, DC Lerman, CA Langlinais… - Journal of applied …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Few studies have evaluated interventions to improve the job‐related social skills of adults
with autism spectrum disorder. In this study, we examined the efficacy of a treatment …

[PDF][PDF] When small talk is a big deal: Sociolinguistic challenges in the workplace

J Holmes - Second language needs analysis, 2005 -
Any sociolinguistic analysis of the needs of language learners will place socio-pragmatic
skills high on the list. From a sociolinguistic perspective, learners need to be able to manage …

Workplace discrimination toward persons with disabilities: A call for some new research directions

A Colella, DL Stone - Discrimination at work, 2013 -
The issue of workplace discrimination resulting from disability has not received nearly as
much attention in the psychological literature as other forms of discrimination. There are …

Small talk at work: potential problems for workers with an intellectual disability

J Holmes - Research on Language and Social Interaction, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
It is commonly assumed that communication in the workplace is primarily transactional talk,
that is, task-oriented interaction focusing on information exchange. The research of the …

The relationship between job satisfaction and psychological health in people with an intellectual disability in competitive employment

P Petrovski, G Gleeson - Journal of Intellectual and Developmental …, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
The “spillover” hypothesis states that job satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, influences life
satisfaction. The present study sought to test this hypothesis with workers with an intellectual …

Job performance of transition-age youth with emotional and behavioral disorders

EW Carter, JH Wehby - Exceptional Children, 2003 -
This study examined the job performance of adolescents with emotional and behavioral
disorders (E/BD). Adolescent employees with E/BD (n= 47) and their immediate supervisors …

Handling small talk at work: Challenges for workers with intellectual disabilities

J Holmes, R Fillary - International journal of disability, development …, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
Interpersonal workplace interaction provides many challenges for workers with intellectual
disabilities. While these workers are generally able to handle well the tasks required of them …