QoS in IEEE 802.11-based wireless networks: A contemporary review
Apart from mobile cellular networks, IEEE 802.11-based wireless local area networks
(WLANs) represent the most widely deployed wireless networking technology. With the …
(WLANs) represent the most widely deployed wireless networking technology. With the …
Evolution of the Internet QoS and support for soft real-time applications
The past few years have witnessed the emergence of many real-time networked
applications on the Internet. These types of applications require special support from the …
applications on the Internet. These types of applications require special support from the …
[КНИГА][B] Technical, commercial and regulatory challenges of QoS: An internet service model perspective
XP **ao - 2008 - books.google.com
Technical, Commerical and Regulatory Challenges of QoS provides a comprehensive
examination of Internet QoS theory, standards, vendor implementation and network …
examination of Internet QoS theory, standards, vendor implementation and network …
[КНИГА][B] WiMAX network planning and optimization
Y Zhang - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
This book offers a comprehensive explanation on how to dimension, plan, and optimize
WiMAX networks. The first part of the text introduces WiMAX networks architecture, physical …
WiMAX networks. The first part of the text introduces WiMAX networks architecture, physical …
Cross-layer ultrasound video streaming over mobile WiMAX and HSUPA networks
A Alinejad, NY Philip… - IEEE transactions on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is well known that the evolution of 4G-based mobile multimedia network systems will
contribute significantly to future mobile healthcare (m-health) applications that require high …
contribute significantly to future mobile healthcare (m-health) applications that require high …
A p2p network traffic classification method using svm
A Yang, S Jiang, H Deng - 2008 The 9th International …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Accurate identification and classification of network traffic according to application type is an
important element of many network management tasks. In this paper, a P2P network traffic …
important element of many network management tasks. In this paper, a P2P network traffic …
Providing quality of service support in object-based file system
JC Wu, SA Brandt - 24th IEEE Conference on Mass Storage …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Bourbon is a quality of service framework designed to work with the Ceph object-based
storage system. Ceph is a highly scalable distributed file system that can scale up to tens of …
storage system. Ceph is a highly scalable distributed file system that can scale up to tens of …
[КНИГА][B] Policy-driven mobile ad hoc network management
R Chadha, L Kant - 2007 - books.google.com
" This book should be immensely interesting to those trying to decide what MANET research
is worth undertaking and why."-J. Christopher Ramming, Program Manager, Defense …
is worth undertaking and why."-J. Christopher Ramming, Program Manager, Defense …
Measuring interaction qoe in internet videoconferencing
Internet videoconferencing has emerged as a viable medium for communication and
entertainment. However, its widespread use is being challenged. This is because …
entertainment. However, its widespread use is being challenged. This is because …
[PDF][PDF] VoIP Performance measurement using QoS parameters
AHM Amin - Second Int. Conf. Innov. Inf. Technol, 2005 - academia.edu
This paper presents an analysis of the performance of VoIP. In our study, three different VoIP
communication aspects have been considered. These comprise the call signaling protocols …
communication aspects have been considered. These comprise the call signaling protocols …