[HTML][HTML] The NRF2, thioredoxin, and glutathione system in tumorigenesis and anticancer therapies
Cancer remains an elusive, highly complex disease and a global burden. Constant change
by acquired mutations and metabolic reprogramming contribute to the high inter-and …
by acquired mutations and metabolic reprogramming contribute to the high inter-and …
Oxidative stress and oxidative damage in carcinogenesis
Carcinogenesis is a multistep process involving mutation and the subsequent selective
clonal expansion of the mutated cell. Chemical and physical agents including those that …
clonal expansion of the mutated cell. Chemical and physical agents including those that …
[PDF][PDF] Роль глутатиона, глутатионтрансферазы и глутаредоксина в регуляции редокс-зависимых процессов
ЕВ Калинина, НН Чернов, МД Новичкова - Успехи биологической химии, 2014 - fbras.ru
Важную роль для жизнеспособности клетки играет контроль мета болизма и процессов
развития, в значительной степени осуществля емый за счет тиол-дисульфидного …
развития, в значительной степени осуществля емый за счет тиол-дисульфидного …
[PDF][PDF] Система глутатиона. I. Синтез, транспорт, глутатионтрансферазы, глутатионпероксидазы
ВИ Кулинский, ЛС Колесниченко - Биомедицинская химия, 2009 - pbmc.ibmc.msk.ru
За последние 10-15 лет значительно углубились исследования системы глутатиона во
всех основных направлениях. Открыт ряд новых ферментов метаболизма. Многие из …
всех основных направлениях. Открыт ряд новых ферментов метаболизма. Многие из …
Glutathione transferases, regulators of cellular metabolism and physiology
BACKGROUND: The cytosolic glutathione transferases (GSTs) comprise a super family of
proteins that can be categorized into multiple classes with a mixture of highly specific and …
proteins that can be categorized into multiple classes with a mixture of highly specific and …
The multifaceted role of glutathione S-transferases in cancer
A Chatterjee, S Gupta - Cancer letters, 2018 - Elsevier
Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are phase II detoxifying enzymes involved in the
maintenance of cell integrity, oxidative stress and protection against DNA damage by …
maintenance of cell integrity, oxidative stress and protection against DNA damage by …
Genetic prognostic and predictive markers in colorectal cancer
Despite many studies of the likely survival outcome of individual patients with colorectal
cancer, our knowledge of this subject remains poor. Until recently, we had virtually no …
cancer, our knowledge of this subject remains poor. Until recently, we had virtually no …
Oxidative stress and oxidative damage in chemical carcinogenesis
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are induced through a variety of endogenous and
exogenous sources. Overwhelming of antioxidant and DNA repair mechanisms in the cell by …
exogenous sources. Overwhelming of antioxidant and DNA repair mechanisms in the cell by …
Role of glutathione, glutathione transferase, and glutaredoxin in regulation of redox-dependent processes
Over the last decade fundamentally new features have been revealed for the participation of
glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzymes (glutathione transferase and glutaredoxin) …
glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzymes (glutathione transferase and glutaredoxin) …
The central role of glutathione in the pathophysiology of human diseases
Reduced glutathione (L-γ-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine, GSH) is the prevalent low-molecular-
weight thiol in mammalian cells. It is formed in a two-step enzymatic process including, first …
weight thiol in mammalian cells. It is formed in a two-step enzymatic process including, first …