Geodynamics of Iceland and the signatures of plate spreading

F Sigmundsson, P Einarsson, ÁR Hjartardóttir… - Journal of Volcanology …, 2020 - Elsevier
Iceland, rising to more than 2 km above sea level, originates from the interaction of a mid-
oceanic ridge and excessive mantle upwelling. The plate boundary between the North …

Complex multifault rupture during the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake, New Zealand

IJ Hamling, S Hreinsdóttir, K Clark, J Elliott, C Liang… - Science, 2017 -
INTRODUCTION On 14 November 2016 (local time), northeastern South Island of New
Zealand was struck by a major moment magnitude (M w) 7.8 earthquake. The Kaikōura …

Marine transform faults and fracture zones: a joint perspective integrating seismicity, fluid flow and life

C Hensen, JC Duarte, P Vannucchi, A Mazzini… - Frontiers in Earth …, 2019 -
Marine transform faults and associated fracture zones (MTFFZs) cover vast stretches of the
ocean floor, where they play a key role in plate tectonics, accommodating the lateral …

[PDF][PDF] Plate boundaries, rifts and transforms in Iceland

P Einarsson - 2008 -
The Iceland hotspot has a pronounced effect on the appearance and structure of the plate
boundary between the North America and Eurasia Plates that crosses the island. The thick …

[CARTE][B] Iceland geodynamics: crustal deformation and divergent plate tectonics

F Sigmundsson - 2006 -
This book provides a summary of geodynamic results from Iceland that presently are found
in a great number of scientific articles, but have not been collected before in a book. The …

Improved source modelling through combined use of InSAR and GPS under consideration of correlated data errors: application to the June 2000 Kleifarvatn …

H Sudhaus, J Sigurjón - Geophysical Journal International, 2009 -
Simultaneous use of multiple independent data sets can improve constraints on earthquake
source-model parameters. However, the ways in which data sets have been combined in the …

Fault slip distribution of two June 2000 MW6. 5 earthquakes in South Iceland estimated from joint inversion of InSAR and GPS measurements

R Pedersen, S Jónsson, T Árnadóttir… - Earth and Planetary …, 2003 - Elsevier
We present the first detailed estimates of co-seismic slip distribution on faults in the South
Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), an area of bookshelf tectonics. We have estimated source …

The 2008 May 29 earthquake doublet in SW Iceland

J Decriem, T Árnadóttir, A Hooper… - Geophysical Journal …, 2010 -
On 2008 May 29 an earthquake doublet shook the southwestern part of Iceland. The first
main shock originated beneath Mt Ingólfsfjall, located near the western margin of the South …

Structural architecture of a highly oblique divergent plate boundary segment

AE Clifton, SA Kattenhorn - Tectonophysics, 2006 - Elsevier
The Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland is a highly oblique spreading segment of the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge oriented about 30° from the direction of absolute plate motion. We …

Geodetic GPS measurements in south Iceland: Strain accumulation and partitioning in a propagating ridge system

PC LaFemina, TH Dixon, R Malservisi… - Journal of …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
GPS observations in south Iceland between 1994 and 2003 are compared with two‐
dimensional elastic half‐space and viscoelastic coupling models for two parallel rift zones …