Geodynamics of Iceland and the signatures of plate spreading
Iceland, rising to more than 2 km above sea level, originates from the interaction of a mid-
oceanic ridge and excessive mantle upwelling. The plate boundary between the North …
oceanic ridge and excessive mantle upwelling. The plate boundary between the North …
Complex multifault rupture during the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake, New Zealand
INTRODUCTION On 14 November 2016 (local time), northeastern South Island of New
Zealand was struck by a major moment magnitude (M w) 7.8 earthquake. The Kaikōura …
Zealand was struck by a major moment magnitude (M w) 7.8 earthquake. The Kaikōura …
Marine transform faults and fracture zones: a joint perspective integrating seismicity, fluid flow and life
Marine transform faults and associated fracture zones (MTFFZs) cover vast stretches of the
ocean floor, where they play a key role in plate tectonics, accommodating the lateral …
ocean floor, where they play a key role in plate tectonics, accommodating the lateral …
[PDF][PDF] Plate boundaries, rifts and transforms in Iceland
P Einarsson - 2008 -
The Iceland hotspot has a pronounced effect on the appearance and structure of the plate
boundary between the North America and Eurasia Plates that crosses the island. The thick …
boundary between the North America and Eurasia Plates that crosses the island. The thick …
[CARTE][B] Iceland geodynamics: crustal deformation and divergent plate tectonics
F Sigmundsson - 2006 -
This book provides a summary of geodynamic results from Iceland that presently are found
in a great number of scientific articles, but have not been collected before in a book. The …
in a great number of scientific articles, but have not been collected before in a book. The …
Improved source modelling through combined use of InSAR and GPS under consideration of correlated data errors: application to the June 2000 Kleifarvatn …
H Sudhaus, J Sigurjón - Geophysical Journal International, 2009 -
Simultaneous use of multiple independent data sets can improve constraints on earthquake
source-model parameters. However, the ways in which data sets have been combined in the …
source-model parameters. However, the ways in which data sets have been combined in the …
Fault slip distribution of two June 2000 MW6. 5 earthquakes in South Iceland estimated from joint inversion of InSAR and GPS measurements
We present the first detailed estimates of co-seismic slip distribution on faults in the South
Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), an area of bookshelf tectonics. We have estimated source …
Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), an area of bookshelf tectonics. We have estimated source …
The 2008 May 29 earthquake doublet in SW Iceland
On 2008 May 29 an earthquake doublet shook the southwestern part of Iceland. The first
main shock originated beneath Mt Ingólfsfjall, located near the western margin of the South …
main shock originated beneath Mt Ingólfsfjall, located near the western margin of the South …
Structural architecture of a highly oblique divergent plate boundary segment
AE Clifton, SA Kattenhorn - Tectonophysics, 2006 - Elsevier
The Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland is a highly oblique spreading segment of the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge oriented about 30° from the direction of absolute plate motion. We …
Mid-Atlantic Ridge oriented about 30° from the direction of absolute plate motion. We …
Geodetic GPS measurements in south Iceland: Strain accumulation and partitioning in a propagating ridge system
GPS observations in south Iceland between 1994 and 2003 are compared with two‐
dimensional elastic half‐space and viscoelastic coupling models for two parallel rift zones …
dimensional elastic half‐space and viscoelastic coupling models for two parallel rift zones …