[HTML][HTML] Sustainable AI: An integrated model to guide public sector decision-making
Ethics, explainability, responsibility, and accountability are important concepts for
questioning the societal impacts of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI), but are …
questioning the societal impacts of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI), but are …
[HTML][HTML] Mega-disruptions and policy change: Lessons from the mobility sector in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK
There has been widespread interest in the potential for the significant behavioural and
policy adaptations rendered necessary by Coronavirus to act as a catalyst for radical longer …
policy adaptations rendered necessary by Coronavirus to act as a catalyst for radical longer …
Types of learning and varieties of innovation: how does policy learning enable policy innovation?
Policy innovation is considered important for addressing major challenges such as climate
change and the sustainable energy transition. Although policy learning is likely to play a key …
change and the sustainable energy transition. Although policy learning is likely to play a key …
Transforming the s-shape: Identifying and explaining turning points in market diffusion curves of low-carbon technologies in Austria
The need for rapid decarbonization of the energy system calls for an improved
understanding how policy action may accelerate the market diffusion of low-carbon …
understanding how policy action may accelerate the market diffusion of low-carbon …
De-democratising the Irish planning system
This paper examines the practices deployed to de-democratise elements of the Irish
planning system. It does so through scrutinizing the processes by which a new streamlined …
planning system. It does so through scrutinizing the processes by which a new streamlined …
Straddling multiple streams: focusing events, policy entrepreneurs and problem brokers in the governance of English fire and rescue services
Empirical studies that use the multiple streams approach often examine cases of re active
policymaking in response to “focusing events”, rather than pro active policymakers who seek …
policymaking in response to “focusing events”, rather than pro active policymakers who seek …
Participatory study of policy process for wildlife conservation and ecotourism in Eswatini: A multiple streams analysis
By the 1950 s, overhunting in the African Kingdom of Eswatini drove most of its wildlife to
extinction. In 2022, Eswatini has one of the most robust conservation success stories in all of …
extinction. In 2022, Eswatini has one of the most robust conservation success stories in all of …
[HTML][HTML] A multi-level governance response to the Covid-19 crisis in public transport
F Hirschhorn - Transport Policy, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper examines the Dutch policy reaction to the financial crisis in the public transport
sector caused by Covid-19. Using the multi-level governance theory complemented with the …
sector caused by Covid-19. Using the multi-level governance theory complemented with the …
Relational coupling of multiple streams: The case of COVID‐19 infections in German abattoirs
After a series of COVID‐19 outbreaks among employees in the German meat‐processing
industry, the Work Safety Control Act protecting these workers made it on the government's …
industry, the Work Safety Control Act protecting these workers made it on the government's …
Co** with strategic ambiguity in planning sustainable road development: balancing economic and environmental interests in two highway projects in Indonesia
In planning regional road development, planners often face a challenge to reconcile various
interests and interpretations on the ultimate goals which complicate the discussion decision …
interests and interpretations on the ultimate goals which complicate the discussion decision …