Laser-cooled molecules

NJ Fitch, MR Tarbutt - Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical Physics, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The last few years have seen rapid progress in the application of laser cooling to molecules.
In this review, we examine what kinds of molecules can be laser cooled, how to design a …

Cold atoms in dissipative optical lattices

G Grynberg, C Robilliard - Physics Reports, 2001‏ - Elsevier
We present a review of the work done with dissipative optical lattices so far. A dissipative
optical lattice is achieved when a light field provides both velocity dam** and spatial …

Molecules cooled below the Doppler limit

S Truppe, HJ Williams, M Hambach, L Caldwell… - Nature Physics, 2017‏ -
Magneto-optical trap** and sub-Doppler cooling have been essential to most experiments
with quantum degenerate gases, optical lattices, atomic fountains and many other …

Laser cooled YbF molecules for measuring the electron's electric dipole moment

J Lim, JR Almond, MA Trigatzis, JA Devlin, NJ Fitch… - Physical review …, 2018‏ - APS
We demonstrate one-dimensional sub-Doppler laser cooling of a beam of YbF molecules to
100 μ K. This is a key step towards a measurement of the electron's electric dipole moment …

V coherent population trap** in laser spectroscopy

E Arimondo - Progress in optics, 1996‏ - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter describes the coherent population trap** in laser
spectroscopy. Coherent population trap** may be also described as the pum** of the …

Sub-Doppler Cooling and Compressed Trap** of YO Molecules at Temperatures

S Ding, Y Wu, IA Finneran, JJ Burau, J Ye - Physical Review X, 2020‏ - APS
Complex molecular structure demands customized solutions to laser cooling by extending
its general set of principles and practices. Compared with other laser-cooled molecules …

Imaging and addressing of individual fermionic atoms in an optical lattice

GJA Edge, R Anderson, D Jervis, DC McKay, R Day… - Physical Review A, 2015‏ - APS
We demonstrate fluorescence microscopy of individual fermionic potassium atoms in a 527-
nm-period optical lattice. Using electromagnetically induced transparency cooling on the …

Blue-detuned magneto-optical trap of molecules

JJ Burau, P Aggarwal, K Mehling, J Ye - Physical Review Letters, 2023‏ - APS
Direct laser cooling of molecules has reached a phase-space density exceeding 10-6 in
optical traps but with rather small molecular numbers. To progress toward quantum …

Laser cooling of molecules

MR Tarbutt - Contemporary Physics, 2018‏ - Taylor & Francis
Recently, laser cooling methods have been extended from atoms to molecules. The complex
rotational and vibrational energy level structure of molecules makes laser cooling difficult …

-enhanced sub-Doppler cooling of lithium atoms in gray molasses

AT Grier, I Ferrier-Barbut, BS Rem, M Delehaye… - Physical Review A …, 2013‏ - APS
Following the bichromatic sub-Doppler cooling scheme on the D 1 line of 40 K recently
demonstrated in Fernandes et al.[Europhys. Lett. 100, 63001 (2012) EULEEJ 0295-5075 …